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  1. P

    What peppers can't you find in your area?

    Does any sell specialty chile peppers here? I'm interesting in hearing what type of customers you get for the various peppers. Anyone?
  2. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    Sorry about the delayed response. It was 2 1/2 years ago, but I believe I started them in February as well. I knew that I was leaving Minnesota when I planted them, so I kept everything in pots. They fared well when I moved to Vermont in April. I put them outside in a 5 gallon pot in late May...
  3. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    Are you taking them out of pots and planting them in ground? How long do they take to recover when you transplant them after growing for 5-6 months? Do you lose any?
  4. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    What zone are you in Chris? Any suggestions on varieties more suited for a short season?
  5. P

    What peppers can't you find in your area?

    Any thoughts on Ajis? Baccatum varieties seem more amenable to commercial growing in a shorter season. Will they appeal to pepper newbs?
  6. P

    What peppers can't you find in your area?

    I do plan on selling to specialty sauce makers and cooks- I'm currently asking some of them what they want. I'm lucky in that I'll be selling to the Toronto market which has hundreds of thousands with a taste for spicy food. I agree the market is limited even here, but from what I can tell...
  7. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    So it sounds like virtually everyone is growing in pots...can I transplant a large number and get a significant yield?? If I started them 3 months indoors and then transplanted them out a few weeks early under a low tunnel...would this work? I've been told that 10 weeks is the maximum period...
  8. P

    Tolemans 2009/ 2010 Season

    Toleman- are you going to transplant these seedlings directly into the ground in the summer?
  9. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    Potawie- do you grow them outside in the ground during the summer? What sort of yields did you get? Did you grow them in a semi-shaded area? How long did you grow the seedlings indoors before transplanting them outside? Thanks! Origami- how long did you grow indoors before...
  10. P

    What peppers can't you find in your area?

    I'm wondering what pepper varieties people have trouble finding in their regions- particularly interested in the Northeast- I'm a market grower in Ontario. Any varieties you would really like to see available? Any suggestions on specialty varieties the uninitiated might go gaga over after...
  11. P

    Does anyone grow pubescens varieties outdoors in Zone 5-6?

    I'm trying to figure out how to best grow pubescens varieties on a larger scale. Does anyone have any experience growing varieties like mazano/rocoto outdoors in Zone 5-6? Is it possible to get decent yields growing outdoors if seedlings are started early enough? Would be interested in...