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  1. Yaotzin

    The Unintended Grow of 2023

    More peppers its been a bit cold and wet here at the moment but everything seems to be ticking over well so I thought I would post some pictures of a few cool pods I have growing
  2. Yaotzin

    The Unintended Grow of 2023

    A few quick pictures I will grab some more this week as I'm on holiday
  3. Yaotzin

    wanted WTB Chiltepin seeds.

    Hi sorry to jump on someone else's post but i am looking for some Sonora chilitepin seeds i am willing to trade or buy some only problem is i live in the UK
  4. Yaotzin

    The Unintended Grow of 2023

    Hi Guys i have decided to grow some peppers again and its been a while. It all started when i bought a big-ish pop up greenhouse as i have had to spend the money i saved for a proper greenhouse on bills! But i am excited to be growing peppers again this year and posting pictures as and when i...
  5. Yaotzin

    Yaotzins 2015

    Cheers man I will do. Mother plant was the brain strain. Will be a few years before this one is stable but my other crosses will be f5 next year for my pod 2 and f4 for my pod 3 which were crosses between a douglah and a primo 7
  6. Yaotzin

    Yaotzins 2015

    Just had to show my latest cross finally podding up its only f1 this year. Reaper brain and so far all pods are looking promising
  7. Yaotzin

    Wartryx M.A

    Cool I will have to keep my eye on your grow. I spoke to Matthew but looks like I will have to wait till next year to give them a go and hopefully scorched can help me out end of season with some seeds of the Wartryx Cheers again guys for the help
  8. Yaotzin

    Wartryx M.A

    Cheers man that would be great I will pm you nearer the fall and see if you want any of mine in trade etc.. Cool I will Facebook him and see but hate pestering people for seeds but I grew the daisy cutter last year and they were awesome! And over wintered here in the UK in a cold conservatory so...
  9. Yaotzin

    Wartryx M.A

    Yeah sorry the Wartryx M.A I put it as the topic name but didn't mention it in the post
  10. Yaotzin

    Wartryx M.A

    Hi can anyone help me to track down some of these seeds if anyone has any spare for me over here in the UK I have plenty to trade or I can Paypal funds or both as I would love to give these a go many thanks Allen
  11. Yaotzin

    Moruga UV

    I'm growing the UV from uk chili seeds this year first order from them and will see how they turn out
  12. Yaotzin

    Hello from the UK

    Hey welcome! I am here in the uk too so if you need any seeds just let me know. Only seeds I don't have that I would recommend for your windowsill would be seaspring seeds rooster spur as they are plenty hot and the plants stay quite small if kept in smaller pots being annums they don't...
  13. Yaotzin

    Fungus gnats

    I've used fly paper as suggested and a product called nilnat bought from a local hydro shop for the soil larvae. Another option for the larvae is to cut some uncooked potato and place cut side down in the pots as the little bastards love eating root matter and throw it out after a couple of days...
  14. Yaotzin

    Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

    Just in case a few of you guys haven't seen it yet Paul Tonkin has put up a review on the F4. I would link it but never linked videos but guess someone will come alone soon and do that Cheers
  15. Yaotzin

    Yaotzins 2013 GLOG

    I do indeed I will try to get round to posting pods up soon! (Hopefully at some point over the weekend) just been really busy with work and helping a friend move tomorrow. My log hasn't been updated to often this year as I have not had many replies so I haven't been really driven to post much so...
  16. Yaotzin

    MoA Jamaican scotch bonnets....

    I now too have started 2 seeds really early for growing indoors under lights as I can't wait any longer for next year! Been checking daily for hooks for the last 3 days .... These plants are so cool !
  17. Yaotzin

    Yaotzins 2013 GLOG

    Sorry for non existent updates been a bit rushed at the moment. First up Fatalii Now one of my pod 2 chillis (just named my own crosses pod 1,2 and3) Cool stinger type I hope to keep in my strain but still unstable as you can see some of the other pods on same plant Last one for a bit is...
  18. Yaotzin

    chinense Shabu Shabu Jolokia

    Cool I have loads too! More to come when they finally ripen
  19. Yaotzin

    PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

    Cool great list man I can't wait to see how you get on!
  20. Yaotzin

    chinense jays ghost scorpion

    Growing both this year too reds are podding but the peach was stunted by other light hungry peppers so may no get any but the red has a few pods on it and LOADS of flowers!! I have never seen so many on a plant!