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  1. Eephus Man

    Using powdered aloe vera on pepper plants

    Where would I even find something like this to purchase?
  2. Eephus Man

    Good starter variety, compact?

      I'll second fructescens, but also add certain varieties of baccatums I've had good luck with in very small containers, in conditions far worse than yours.   For me, Aji omnicolor and Criolla sella have been great. The former having a better flavor, IMO, than the latter. Not sure how you'll...
  3. Eephus Man

    Pubescens in Texas

      Lol. Thanks, Chewi. Good to be back around. And I'm super grateful to be back to life as "normal" these days. :)   Time to grow some stuff!
  4. Eephus Man

    My! As Hairy as they come..Goat's Weed

    Likewise, I've grown these every now and then and they are super hardy (even in intense heat) and look cool.   Pods are relatively flavorless (to me), but are fairly high heat. I loved them for "filler" in powders.
  5. Eephus Man

    Pubescens in Texas

      Thanks, solid. I have always struggled (even with my other peppers/tomatoes) to find the right balance of how much/how often to fertilize. I usually wait for signs of need before I do, but I think because of that, my plants aren't as strong as they could be. I'm actually going to try and do...
  6. Eephus Man

    Pubescens in Texas

      Thanks, Masher. Will remember that. froze here last night. Haven't checked my one rocoto at home, but I'd be a little surprised if it made it. Your plant looks really good. Love those purple blooms!
  7. Eephus Man

    Pubescens in Texas

    I love, love, LOVE the flavor profile and texture of rocoto/manzanos.   But I have always struggled to get them to set fruit early enough here in Texas and our first freeze always seems to kill them. They seem very picky about temperature and moisture.   Has anyone in Texas (specifically Central...
  8. Eephus Man

    misc Give a shout-out to the most productive variety you've grown...

    I will echo what a few others have said...   - Chocolate Habanero (which is also a long producer for me - still getting pods here) - Fatalii (my most productive chinense) - Aji Omnicolor (will grow even in tiny pots and produce a ton of yummy pods) - Criolla Sella (probably my most prolific...
  9. Eephus Man

    seeds-germination Seedling Grow Stand Setups (Retail) Opinions

      I can dig on that. Will probably do just that, juanitos. Thank you for the input/thoughts/ideas!
  10. Eephus Man

    seeds-germination Seedling Grow Stand Setups (Retail) Opinions

    Hmm. Ceiling hanging probably isn't going to work for me.   I usually start in 72-cell trays (two this year) and pot up to either the Solo cups you've shown or some 2.5" black pots.   Sounds like I may be able to swing it with two trays under a 48" setup, plus another 24 or 48" rig after potting...
  11. Eephus Man

    seeds-germination Seedling Grow Stand Setups (Retail) Opinions

      Man...I have broken so many lights with my terrible hanging/adjustment "options" that I could've eaten tuna every day for the last five years and ingested less mercury. ;)   Seriously, though. I've got (barely) more money than time right now (actually, I have a bunch of Amazon credit is what...
  12. Eephus Man

    seeds-germination Seedling Grow Stand Setups (Retail) Opinions

    Howdy from Austin, y'all!   I took a year off. Not by choice, but by circumstance.   I'm getting a late start this year, but I'm doing it!   I've got a new place and room for a small seedling setup indoors. I'd done homebuilt stuff in the past and, well, I suck at it. I want something I can...
  13. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

    Lol. You rock danish.   I love this place.   Anyone in here need some wild-gathered Chiltepin seed? :)   It's 33F here this morning, which is very early for this kind of cold. I don't have ripe fruit on those bushes yet this year. Let's see if they can make it through another week (with possible...
  14. Eephus Man

    Your Quickest Var. from Germ to Fruit?

      Interesting. I think it's time for a Southwest Growers' Thread. :)   I'm ready to figure out how to:   - Get more fruit in the "hell months" - Prep plants for earlier production after said months - Find varieties that work well in "split seasons" - Etc.   I *HATE* July and August. It's the...
  15. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

      Hmm. I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it's correct. I believe chiltepins are actually the progenitor for all other annuums. But maybe I've just been mistaken all these years. It seems what you're describing is a "feral" pepper. And I don't believe that's what the tepins are...
  16. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

    danish,   Are you saying that Chiltepins are a formerly domesticated variety that have returned to their "proto-pepper" form? That's what it sounds like. If that's true, it's news to me. I had assumed they were a wild variety that had grown for centuries (or longer) on their own in this region.
  17. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

    Haha! Love the legal reference there. :)   And yes. That's what's going on all around here, too. When we developed the land for my last business (it was previously undeveloped), we found several giant bushes down in the drainage areas of the property. Not sure how long they'd been there, but...
  18. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

      Hmm. Interesting. So I guess most varieties of deer would be considered semi-wild as well, since they are processed by some?   Same would be true for anything bred for pets/meat? Ball Pythons? Bison? Macaws? Alligators? Raccoons? Seems an odd definition to me. Would also beg the question of...
  19. Eephus Man

    color Any Idea Why Chiltepins Are Sometimes Referred To As "Semi-Wild"?

    I've seen this designation repeated in more than one place and by disparate sources.   But I don't understand what it means and how chiltepins would differ in their distribution and growing habits versus other varieties that are referred to as "fully" wild.   I'm not a taxonomist, but all the...
  20. Eephus Man

    Hot Pepper History?

    The beginning chapters of Dave DeWitt's The Complete Chile Pepper Book from a few years back go into at least some detail about historical classifications and dispersions.   For many here, it's old news, but I did learn a few things in my reading of it, including that he needed to hire a better...