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  1. Dragon

    sport peppers

    I sell a product to chefs all over the country for just your kind of application. It's called Pure Cap and it's a lot less expensive than Blairs 3 A.M. What makes it work is that it packs 500,000 SU and it'll heat up anything without changing the original flavor or aroma of the dish. It comes...
  2. Dragon

    sport peppers

    You can buy them online at a store that sells hot sauce and related products. They're only $3.95 a jar and shipping is reasonable, too. Gee, I wonder who that hot sauce retailer is? I heard it was owned by some intellegent, good looking dude.
  3. Dragon

    Is casi?

    Nevada? Did someone say Nevada? If there's a chili competition in Nevada can you tell me where and when? If it's not way up North I might get off my lazy butt and check it out.
  4. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    I do like being creative. I'd be happier if someone handed me a food item and let me decide how to ruin it. There are so many different ways to cook a thing. For meat there's roasting, broiling, braising, microwaving (yeach), pan frying, deep frying, steaming, smoking, curing, and some things...
  5. Dragon

    food chili recipes?

    I'm afraid to post a chili recipe in this forum. Too many chili experts, it's intimidating. Of course you know we won't be getting recipes from any of the competitors. They'd have to take a contract out on each of us so we won't spill the... er, beans.
  6. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    Hmmmm... I don't think I could compete in chili cookoffs. I don't do well with rules...and of course that gets me in trouble all the time. I've cheated with canned beans before (shhh, I didn't really say that). If I forget to put the pintos to soak the day before I'll use Ranch Style Texas...
  7. Dragon

    food Thats' a chili of a different color

    I expected as much. I was just curious. I've seen white chili recipes that use chicken, and typically chili verde uses pork for meat and tomatillos for sauce. Pork doesn't seem to be much of a player in beef-centric Texas. As for chicken...well, it just doesn't seem like something I'd want in my...
  8. Dragon


    You growing peppers, hothydroponicist? Keep your gloves on or hire someone immune to capsaicin to pick 'em for you.
  9. Dragon

    hot-sauce A Great hot sauce

    Yeah, sounds like you're immune all right. If your extract is really 1.5 million SU like you say then only someone immune to capsaicin could eat the stuff directly and undiluted.
  10. Dragon

    food Thats' a chili of a different color

    Have any of you chili competitors ever entered a chili of a color other than red? You know, white, green, etc. Is there even a category for that kind of chili?
  11. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    Thanks for the kind words, Bubba. You're more than welcome to link to my site. Since you like to show off those colorful boxers I think we'd all appreciate a picture of you modeling them for us.
  12. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    I always knew the beans controversy was big in Texas. It's just like me to, uh, stir the pot. I have heard that another great controversy regards the origin of the dish. Some claim it's strictly a Texas invention while others insist it comes from Mexico. What if they're both correct? After all...
  13. Dragon

    hot-sauce A Great hot sauce

    Sounds like you're immune to capsaicin. Is that true, or do you diliute the stuff a bunch before you eat it?
  14. Dragon

    for-sale for sale!!

    Send some pictures, Bubba. I'm interested. BTW if I buy would you consider using my UPS account number?
  15. Dragon

    hot-sauce A Great hot sauce

    Different tastes, I guess. I tried their sample and wasn't very impressed. To me it tasted like tomato sauce with some Frank's Red Hot in it. My all-time favorite is Marie Sharp's.
  16. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    Beans, hot sauce, and you're welcome! First, let me apologise to Wahene for implying I was incensed or otherwise burning over the beans issue. My response might have been a bit too heavy. It's to your credit you didn't flame me over it. For those of you in the South you should know that a...
  17. Dragon

    food How do you like your chili?

    Beans in chili Who makes up these rules? Food is made the way you like it, sweetheart, honeybunch. If someone wants beans in their chili who are you to tell them it isn't chili or that they can't cook them together? Call the food police, someone is putting beans in their chili!
  18. Dragon

    Selling a sauce? post it here!

    Private label sauces Hey, bubba. There are several companies that will private label their hot sauce. I know of one that will sell you its sauce, sans label, for $1 a bottle. They have 4 different flavors to choose from at that price. I think they have a 10 case minimum.
  19. Dragon

    hot-sauce hot sauces!!!!!

    Hot Sauce Dr. Pepper, have you ever tried Marie Sharp's?
  20. Dragon

    Meat: cut vs chili grind. HEB meat vs good quality meat.

    My personal preference is to hand cut chuck roast (beef shoulder). I like a 1/2 inch dice. I suppose one might get away with standard ground beef (or even your chili grind, which is really just a coarser grind of what ever cut you like) at home when adding beans. But I'd imagine the judges...