food Thats' a chili of a different color

Have any of you chili competitors ever entered a chili of a color other than red? You know, white, green, etc. Is there even a category for that kind of chili?
By Any Other Color

I have not cooked any other but red chili. However,ICS does have a green chili competition.Green chili (chili verde) is found mostly in Arizona,New Mexico and Colorado,,,,not so much in Texas.

I expected as much. I was just curious. I've seen white chili recipes that use chicken, and typically chili verde uses pork for meat and tomatillos for sauce. Pork doesn't seem to be much of a player in beef-centric Texas. As for chicken...well, it just doesn't seem like something I'd want in my chili anyway.
I've had green chili. It's good with warm tortillas and sour cream!
Chili Verde

Don't sell chili verde short...As a Texan, I have to admit, I do prefer the red chilis, but the green and white chilis do offer a nice change...

We originally used to offer a chili verde mix, but the standard recipe is by and far more popular...

Cheers and happy q'ing!