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  1. G

    Ill have too get some pepper plants from you so I can grow some up here! And need some more...

    Ill have too get some pepper plants from you so I can grow some up here! And need some more pickled peppers!
  2. G

    Count Dougulah and Pineapple Express

    Just letting everyone know about Bhut Camps hot sauces, Count Dougulah and Pineapple Express. I've tried both of his hot sauces and they have excellent flavor. If your a hot sauce person, I highly recommend getting some sauce from him. I hope too see bhut camp come up with more flavors of hot...
  3. G

    O so spicy

    I get ear pain from super hots. Thats when you know its hot, my other friends get hiccups, I get ear pain. Its pretty intense!
  4. G

    O so spicy

    It tastes excellent but the after effects are very brutal!I love the blazing heat without any bad extract flavor.I have built a pretty good tolerance,I can eat pickled chocolate habs like candy now!
  5. G

    O so spicy

    Well out of all the hot sauces I've tried I must say Count Douglah is one of the hottest sauces it just tore up my guts, shit blood for three days, not recommended for people with weak stomach linings! The sauce comes from bhut camp.Eatin this sauce built up my tolerance and now I'm able to eat...
  6. G

    Hello my fellow pepper followers!

    Well I enjoyed the reactions I got from my first post. I posted it to get reactions from everyone, so yea it was just a joke but I'm in really into the peppers and look forward to sharing different types! Thanks...
  7. G

    Hello my fellow pepper followers!

    No just when we go to town with the family goat to get goods and other things!
  8. G

    Hello my fellow pepper followers!

    Hi there, my name is cody and I'm a pepper addict I've had alot of different peppers and I must say the tabasco pepper is the hottest pepper I've tried so far. The seven pod, butch t,and douglah dont even come close to the intense burn of the tabasco pepper! I've been bringing all sorts of hot...
  9. G

    Your shits bunk!

    Your shits bunk!