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  1. azguy

    Monsanto Protection Act    
  2. azguy

    Help ID this guy please :)

    Maybe Jalabanero   
  3. azguy

    New Habanero-Type Pepper Introduced      
  4. azguy

    Pollution Suit Puts Chill on Popular Hot Sauce Sriracha
  5. azguy

    Grocery Store Dried Chiltepin

    I had read that grocery store Chiltepins are air dried. Being I have several bags, just thought I would try to see if they would germinate.  Has anyone tried this and if so with what success?  Thanks   
  6. azguy

    wanted Looking for Bhut Jolokia Seeds

    I am in search of Bhut Jolokia seeds. I was hoping to have plenty of pods available for seed this year but lost my only plant a few months ago.  Any information that you have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks Dan 
  7. azguy

    Need I.D. help

    Hey Joe,    I am not sure , these are from a grower that occasionally sells at a local farmers market. 
  8. azguy

    Need I.D. help

    Megahot, Thank you for the info. I had the same thought on a few of them and the second opinion helped..  
  9. azguy

    Need I.D. help

    Can someone help me I.D. some pods that I just received? In the first photo please ignore the upper right and bottom left those turned out to be sweet peppers. Thanks                     
  10. azguy


    Anyone growing Jalabaneros this year? I have four plants I started from seeds that I received from AZpepperGirl last year. Liking the heat level and taste these are turning out to be a real favorite.  With them being F4's the pods do vary quite a bit between all four plants, but the taste and...
  11. azguy

    Not a Chocolate Bhut

    MR Tracy
  12. azguy

    Not a Chocolate Bhut

    Hi Jamie,    This is from seeds that you sent me.      Dan 
  13. azguy

    Not a Chocolate Bhut

    The pod on the left are from seeds that were given to me by a member last year. Suppose to be a Chocolate Bhut which its not. Any ideas on what this may be? Pod on the right is a Red Hab?  Thanks         http://        
  14. azguy

    Trinidad Perfume

    Does anyone have experience growing Trinidad Perfume? Also any suggestions of vendors that may have seeds in stock? Thanks
  15. azguy

    chinense Massive Habaneros

    Heat is running a bit more than an orange hab.
  16. azguy

    chinense Massive Habaneros

    Last December I answered SASE seed ad from mjdiamond83 titled Massive Habaneros. These were some large Red Habs from a market. They turned out to be a wonderful variety this year with most of the pods coming at two inches or over. Also out of the two plants I am growing both have produced around...
  17. azguy

    Maya Red Habanero x Bhut Jolokia Carbon F2 - CLOSED

    Please add me to the list. Would love to give a try. Thanks
  18. azguy

    Market I.D. ??

    Anymore ideas on what the peach colored ones could be?
  19. azguy

    Market I.D. ??

    I am in the Tucson area. I found these at the Tucson Meet Yourself Festival this weekend