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  1. R

    Boring afternoon ..... ?

    A good solution for any of those boring afternoons. Go and vist someone with a parrot. And bring some of our spicy friends... When the owner is busy with getting you something to drink, give the parrot a habanero. Take care of your fingers! And then tell us later what happened. The last time I...
  2. R

    greenhouse Anyone else using a greenhouse? UK

    You can protect the plants outside with a plastic bag with a few holes
  3. R

    greenhouse Anyone else using a greenhouse? UK

    Interesting. Doesn't it get too hot in the greenhouse when the sun picks up? Greetings Rik
  4. R

    Thought I'd pass this along...

    Better move to Africa where there is enough light for free. And also bring your swimming suit.
  5. R

    Thought I'd pass this along...

    Better move to Africa where there is enough light for free. And also bring your swimming suit.
  6. R

    New pepper head in the making

    Welcome !
  7. R

    Chili sauce

    Take some 4 or 5 Habanero's (or Scotch Bonnets), cut them in small chunks. Put a frying pan on the fire with 5 table spoons of vegetable (maize) oil or more. Throw in the chillies before the oil is hot. Then add chopped onions, garlic, carrots, pea's. Don't cut the chunks too small. Cook for 3...
  8. R

    Hi from Kenya

    Thanks, always good to know your neighbour. Where are you in SA ?
  9. R

    Hi from Kenya

    Thanks ! Mostly we grow Serenade Chillies but I have also good experience with some new Habanero varieties. Scotch Bonnets is also doing fantastic !
  10. R

    Hi from Kenya

    Thanks ! Mostly we grow Serenade Chillies but I have also good experience with some new Habanero varieties. Scotch Bonnets is also doing fantastic !
  11. R

    Hi from Kenya

    Just a new member from the great African continent. For long I have been hooked to chilli's. The addiction started with Madame Jeanette in Surinam. My favorite day starts with coffee with chilli. I grow chilli's here in Kenya in greenhouses for the market in Europe. The greenhouses can hold the...