Hi from Kenya

Just a new member from the great African continent. For long I have been hooked to chilli's. The addiction started with Madame Jeanette in Surinam. My favorite day starts with coffee with chilli. I grow chilli's here in Kenya in greenhouses for the market in Europe. The greenhouses can hold the humidity and protect the plants from strong wind and sun. I look forward meeting you guys.
from PENNSYLVANIA USA :welcome:

GREW SOME MADAME JEANETTE last year they are good
im growing 2 species of PIRI PIRI as well and BURKINA YELLOW HABANERO AND FATALLI
those african peppers are good :)

thanks your friend Joe
Just a new member from the great African continent. For long I have been hooked to chilli's. The addiction started with Madame Jeanette in Surinam. My favorite day starts with coffee with chilli. I grow chilli's here in Kenya in greenhouses for the market in Europe. The greenhouses can hold the humidity and protect the plants from strong wind and sun. I look forward meeting you guys.
Hey Rik,

Welcome neighbor. I'm from South Africa... joined yesterday.
:welcome: from Pennsylvania! If your day starts out with coffee and chilis, you are going to fit right in here!!!
Thanks !
Mostly we grow Serenade Chillies but I have also good experience with some new Habanero varieties. Scotch Bonnets is also doing fantastic !