Search results

  1. KennyG

    CFL's in Bathroom Vanity

    Ya Ive unloaded a few with fried and this one was my first just seeing if that was an easy way to get around building a box.
  2. KennyG

    CFL's in Bathroom Vanity

    I should mention that the plant is goo size about two feet wide and one foot high. Im not to worried about fruiting although that would be a nice plus. I just want my plant to survive until the sun hits my balcony in Jan / Feb
  3. KennyG

    CFL's in Bathroom Vanity

    Im in San Diego, so the thought of wintering my plant is somewhat a joke however, I live in an apartment and My balcony and as of this month it is no longer getting sun. I have a bathroom with a lamp in the center of the room but the vanity mirror has four bulbs. If I place my plant on the...
  4. KennyG

    wanted Looking for plants in Ft Myers/ Naples area

    I will be going down to Ft Myers to see my sisters and brother for the Christmas holidays, I was planning on bringing them some seed to start growing but I also thought It would be good to get them started with a plant or two or 4 :). Is there anyone in the area that sells planst or wound't...
  5. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    Sorry it took so long... I tasted a few pods and had a few friends try them too... They are pretty hot, Id say a lot more so than the store baught habs. I also like how thick and fleshy they are. They really went well in salsa and guac. Most of the party was red in the face and tearing up from...
  6. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    Really, they look mean enough to have a bite... Ill keep you posted. I tried the equadorian devils breath and they were nice and hot with a real fruty/citrus taste.
  7. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    No not yet, I will tonight. Ill let you know what I think.
  8. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    :beer: Very nice to know, I guess thats what being a newb is all about
  9. KennyG

    Habenero or not

  10. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    How are they looking now??? Are you getting any color or any other sign?
  11. KennyG

    Hello from San Diego

    Hello from San diego :dance:
  12. KennyG

    Habenero or not

    When mine ripin, it would be interesting to compare if we have the same cross. I got about three squatty looking guys now and 5 or so of the longer ones.
  13. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    Just picked up the last of his Yellow 7pods
  14. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    I serenade them every night, lol... Good eye.
  15. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

  16. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    Sounds good, They just seem to be so big (thats what she said)... I took these photos last week, so I will be upbating soon.
  17. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    Thank you for the welcome everybody
  18. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    Yep, so far the plants are doing just fine... Jim was really kind and hooked me up with a few etra plants too... I gave them to a few friends to see who has the greener thumb... The hab and Devils breath seem to be thriving but the Saji and the Trinidad aren't growing as much as id like.
  19. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    Im in University City next to the UTC mall.... I got my Hab from th HD in mira measa, the rest of the plants from went to pick them up.
  20. KennyG

    addicted in San Diego

    What a neat forum, Ive already fried my brain looking over all the information in this forum. Ive always loved hot/spicy foods and now am trying to take that love a step furthur... It all started at the home depot for some reason this gangly looking habanero plant was calling my name so I said...