Search results

  1. C

    Growing in a Cold Garage--Help

    Maybe I'll skip the radiant barrier. I'll definitely need to elevate the plants off of the concrete floor. Some Mylar and aluminum tape definitely seem to be in order. I don't mind some spillage but it does seem like the plastic could help to keep the temperature elevated. $10-$15 per sheet...
  2. C

    Growing in a Cold Garage--Help

    Fortunately I'll be able to germinate the seeds and get the plants going in a warm indoor place. I'll look into polystyrene. Do you have a layer on the floor? I'm assuming that you use it as a ceiling as well and really box off the area?   Edit: Theghostpepperstore, how large is your grow area?
  3. C

    Growing in a Cold Garage--Help

    I'll look into Poly sheet. I'd definitely like to do this on the cheap even if the end result is a bit ghetto. As seedlings they'll be indoors under CFL's. When they're in the garage, how cold is too cold? Ideally the temp would be in the mid 60's during the dark period? What should my realistic...
  4. C

    Growing in a Cold Garage--Help

    I have a couple of months to get this figured out but I'd like o get a little insight now so I can prepare. My wife and I just moved and the only place which really seems feasible to set up a grow room would be in the garage.   The problem is that it's damn cold in there. I have a 600W MH/HPS...
  5. C

    breeding-crossing My First Cross - TSM x Fatalii (Pic)

    Did it have the citrus-like Fatalii taste? Extremely cool!
  6. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time

    Thanks for posting the pics and yes, they are indeed in the right piles. Glad you like the pods.
  7. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    I'm growing 22 plants but just about every single strain which I'm growing is known to be a mega producer. When I put together my grow list yield/productivity was one of my primary determinants. I'm going up next year as well!
  8. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    After my screw up I believe that everything is all straightened out. Thanks everyone!
  9. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    This was quite the dramatic end!   My apologies hotjohn but it looks like you posted at 9:01, 2 minutes too late.I'm going to shoot you over a PM in a few.   Congrats 96strat! PM being sent.
  10. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    Very nice! I guarantee that the box will not disappoint.
  11. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    Another repeat buyer in the fray! Thanks Nate and Idiot Piquant. I'm glad to see two chili heads both going for a second box.   If the price hits $50 I'll throw in 3 separate 1 ounce bags of powder. The bags will include my red blend, chocolate blend and yellow blend.
  12. C

    Fresh Peppers and a new 45

    I got my first firearm when I was 12 and I know plenty of people who got into firearms when they were a good bit younger. Over the years I've accumulated a decent collection. I think of myself as a nice, good hearted person but if firearm ownership makes one "bad" then I guess that you can...
  13. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    Now we have an auction! Thank you both for the bids.
  14. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    I got out of work early today and went by my plot. It's looking great! I'll definitely be able to fully stuff a LFRB on Sunday and the package will ship on Monday morning.   As I mentioned, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to include Douglah X Butch T's. If I am there will only be a few. The...
  15. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    A very happy Friday to you as well! Thanks for getting this auction officially underway as well as for participating in your 4th auction!   I'm getting out of work early today so I'm going to swing by my plot. That should give me a pretty good idea as to whether I'll be able to fill a LFRB on...
  16. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends Sunday, 10/20 at 9:00 ET

    This auction is for a LFRB of super hot and ultra hot peppers. The only varieties not fitting the description will be peach bhuts, Bahamian goat peppers and fatalis.   A THP member has dibs on a SFRB of Douglah X Butch T. Unless more ripen than expected I may not be able to include any. If I do...
  17. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time

    Hahahahaha   Especially such a massive one at that!   Edit: Payment received. Just PM me your shipping address and the pack will go out first thing tomorrow.
  18. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time

    Congrats Gotrox! $35 takes it. Sending you a PM now.
  19. C

    auction LFRB Auction--Ends tonight at 9:00PM Eastern Time

    I sincerely appreciate the regular auction participation and would be quite content were you to win at $30.   I'll be curious to see what happens during the closing moments. Good luck.