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  1. Kant

    Halloween themed sauce?

    It's not exactly a sauce but what if you tried making a spicy pumpkin pie? Edit: I realize that xcsports mentioned pumpkin pie but I was thinking more along the lines of baking it into the pie....mmmm...I do love me some pumpkin pie.
  2. Kant


    Your plants are looking good. got any update pictures? what can i say. i'm shutterbug. :D
  3. Kant

    food SAVE QUESO!

    Well it was only a matter of time before it around to us. Think of all the various japanese/chineses/thai/etc translations that come out as broke (and often times hilarious) english. Only this time we're the butt end of the joke :whistle:
  4. Kant

    Kant's 2012 grow log

    So. A lot has happened but in the slowest manner possible. first and updated pic of my tiny growing season. Next, it's time to play amateur hour horror show. It turns out the desk I put the plants on is on a slight incline and because I decided to bottom water them the ones on the bottom of...
  5. Kant

    Kant's 2012 grow log

    I know but the other peppers have spoiled me. They popped in a little over a week. The expectation has already been set :snooty:
  6. Kant

    Kant's 2012 grow log

    Threads are always more interesting with pictures so here we are. the one just out of shot is another arbol that just popped. As you can se I've got a lot of sprouts...very exciting. I've also noticed a lot of them struggle to shed the seed shell. The Thai, black pearl and both the tabascos...
  7. Kant

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Quite the setup you got here. I especially like the pepper decoration. I'll be following with interest.
  8. Kant

    Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

    This seems like an ambitious season. I expect nothing but great things. no pressure :D
  9. Kant

    Bushy or lanky?

    A good general rule of thumb (for most plants not just pepper plants) is that if it's lanky, it's stretching; If it's stretching that means it's not getting enough light. Obviously the exception is if the plant is supposed to be lanky then it's genetics not lack of light. Also if you're puposing
  10. Kant

    Kant's 2012 grow log

    Yeah I know, real original title. :think: So here's what i'm growing this year. It's a short list because I lack the space...also I couldn't justify spending $14 to cover the minimum purchase requirement for just one strain from nmsu. I started germing 4 of each of these a little over a week...
  11. Kant

    Hello, Another guy from chicago

    Thanks for the welcome guys (and gals). the second package of seeds arrived to day. kudos to peppergal for the quick delivery. I'll probably germing them this weekend and i'll post it in a grow log.
  12. Kant

    Hello, Another guy from chicago

    Ok actually i'm from the burbs (oak park) but shhhhh. Anyway, I've been lurking for a little while now and my first set of seeds arrived today, so I thought I would say hi. Btw thank you so much pepperlover for the super expediant shipping, also the freebies. Order placed sunday and seeds...