• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home.

First off our selection started off with all the super and extremely hots 36 varities from multiple venders including some good folks here at THP. Will have another couple of trays of the medium hots and the other things required for my salsa in about 4 weeks., which will give me an additional 5-6 varities.


Then the equipment a couple of 2 tray mats with thermostat, 4 72 cell trays with domes, a whole grip of rapid rooter style plugs and the table my blue eyed wife put together


First thing was to soak the seeds in a germination solution I got from the Chilli Seed Co in the UK and distilled water for 12 plus hours in Dixie cups


Then the work began after soaking the plugs in distilled water I seeded the plugs and filled the trays. I have a corresponding sheet for each tray to identfy what is what in the cells. I assigned each variety a number for ease of identification throughout the grow. When the same variety had multiple venders I added the letter A, B etc., depending on my supply of seeds some plugs got 2 seeds while others only 1. Those with 2 in the plugs where marked with an x on the sheet. I figured this gave me the greatest chance of ending up with what I wanted to have in the end.


In the end there is 4 72 cell trays filled for a grand total of 288 starts. They were placed on the heat mats with the temp set at 86 degrees. At this point I have decided not to fill the tray underneath with water, that may change. I am misting the plugs with a spray bottle of distilled water.


Well there you have it, the start of my first season. Thanks to all who provided seeds and offered your input not to mention put up with all my questions .. lol
Oh almost forgot here's the list

Bhut Jolokia 32/0
Trinidad Scorp Butch T 32/0
Naga Viper 20/0
Infinity 32/0
7 Pot Yellow 5/0
7 Pot Red 5/0
7 Pot Primo 10/0
7 Pot Jonah 10/0
Douglah 5/0
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 10/0
7 Pot Brain Strain Red 10/0
Dorset Naga 5/0
Naga Morich 5/0
TS Morouga Blend 5/0
Bih Jolokia 5/0
Morouga Red 5/0
Datali 4/0
Bonda Ma Jaques 5/0
Chocolate Habanero 4/0
Aji Lemon 6/0
Caribbean Habanero 6/0
Peter 4/0
Red Savina 4/0
SB7J 4/0
Pointed Yellow Habanero 4/0
White Giant Habanero 4/0
Trinidad Scorp CARDI 7/0
7 Pot Barrickipore 7/0
Red Habanero 4/0
Red Devils Tongue 4/0
Peruvian White Habanero 4/0
Fatali 4/0
Fatali/Red Savina Cross 4/0
TCH Tuca Hot Chocolate 4/0
Caribbean Blend 6/0
Jamaican Hot Yellow 4/0

Good looking start so far. Whats your light situation looking like??

Right now I have 4 sets of 2 1/2 x 4ft T5 HO 4100k 4 bulb fixtures. If need be will get more. What do you think?

This seems like an ambitious season. I expect nothing but great things. no pressure :D

Thanks ! Ambitious or Stupid I'll let you judge. Nothing but faith and big dreams ...
WOW 32 Butch, Bhut, and Infinities!?!?!?!?! Dayyyyum, go big or go home! Looking real professional so far! Can't wait to see your results!

Have a great season!
WOW 32 Butch, Bhut, and Infinities!?!?!?!?! Dayyyyum, go big or go home! Looking real professional so far! Can't wait to see your results!

Have a great season!

Thanks Shane, yea I intend to sell some of those around May or June to fund the next leg of this project . So far I have struggled to grow a Bhut Jolokia I figured with 32 my chances of getting at least 1 are fair to good ; )
Lookin good man! And here I thought you weren't gonna do a glog this year :lol:
Glad ya started one, it'll be fun to watch I'm sure of it.
Good luck to ya my friend.

Welcome to the glogosphere, Robin. Your germination setup
is first class and you are all in for sure! You may have to hire
help at transplant time! Will enjoy watching your progress...

Make Portland Proud :cool: !
Welcome to the glogosphere, Robin. Your germination setup
is first class and you are all in for sure! You may have to hire
help at transplant time! Will enjoy watching your progress...

Make Portland Proud :cool: !

Thanks Paul ! Yea all in is a good way to say it. I almost backed out but had already invested so much that I had to press on. Right now got a nasty edema problem on my jalapeƱos lost a grip of leaves last night . When do you plant out? I'm shooting for the first week in June?
That would be great! If we have a decent Spring Beginning June is good.
The 50% frost date in our neck of the woods is April 21, and the 90% date
is May 10, if I'm not having a senior moment : ) Yours can't be too much
different, eh? Last year the last freeze was on April 18 at our house, and
lows were in the high 40's and mid 50's mostly through May and June. Once
the plants are more mature they can stand the lower temps at night in the
greenhouse, and it warms up during the day (68 today). I'll just keep them
in the greenhouse until the weather is decent.
Glad you got into the GLOG Game! You probably would win the award for most questions asked this winter, so this will be a good place to give back as you grow forward. Looking forward to the show... :cool:
Glad you got into the GLOG Game! You probably would win the award for most questions asked this winter, so this will be a good place to give back as you grow forward. Looking forward to the show... :cool:

Haha that's funny I asked two more today ; ) doing the Glog in spite of my reservations but who knows might be fun
Glad you got a glog going!!! Theres only one things missing... YOUR PLANTS lol! I hope you beat that edema! Hopefully you chenged your watering schedule as I did! Good luck to ya!!!
With the rapid rooter style plugs you are able to peer right into the hole at the seed which is great for someone as impatient as me .. lol. Today is day 4 and already I can see tap roots on 12 or more ! Not sure how great the pics are but here's a few.



I counted at least 12 could be more, a Dorset Naga, Scorp CARDI, Aji Lemon, and many more.
Your questions are awesome dude, makes me think about stuff every time.

and YES, post a 3 or 4 shot sequence of your earlier test plants, even if you pull them from your other posts. Not kidding, you nailed some great shots along the way. would be nice to see a few with approx dates. Man, am i getting annoying now LOL... :cool:
Cool! Looks very moist/wet in there!!! What about your bigger plants? You going to post pics of those?

Yea they felt a little dry so they had just been misted. I'll try and post some pics of the other plants tomorrow. I'll pot them up this Saturday then they go over to my partners place as ai make room for my babeees !

Your questions are awesome dude, makes me think about stuff every time.

and YES, post a 3 or 4 shot sequence of your earlier test plants, even if you pull them from your other posts. Not kidding, you nailed some great shots along the way. would be nice to see a few with approx dates. Man, am i getting annoying now LOL... :cool:

Thanks will do tomorrow !!