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  1. detroitgirl77

    detroitgirl77's 2013 season glog

    I just started up my peppers on the 11th doing the paper towel germination thing. Started having tails popup on the 15th and many more are coming. Already planted over 100 germinated seeds in 72 cell jiffy trays and I already have bunch of baby plants. Will update with what I'm starting along...
  2. detroitgirl77

    Met a local chilehead today

    Went to a local farmers market today and met a nice couple who sell veggies and seeds there as well as online. It was nice to meet another tomato fanatic and chilehead. They were very generous, giving me some peruvian white habanero and some fish peppers to try at no cost. They also made sure to...
  3. detroitgirl77

    My first SASBE offer orange habanero, long cayenne slim(10 seeds each) plus extras--Open to first 10

    Decided to share the love since I've had the love bestowed upon me here quite a bit already. I don't have any of the super hot varieties yet--will be growing them next year. I have orange habanero and long cayenne slim that I have collected from my organically grown, non isolated plants. As a...
  4. detroitgirl77

    Need help IDing peppers I won

    Can anyone help me to ID these peppers? I won these from hnotpeppergirlalabama a few weeks ago but am not sure of all of the types. These have since been deseeded, dehydrated and consumed. Please help! Thanks!
  5. detroitgirl77

    Today's garden goodies

    Picked quite a bunch of veggies today. Some huge zucchini, cucumbers, mixed variety of tomatoes, bunch of bush and pole beans, some ripe cayenne and jalapeno. (Sorry for the huge pic) TFL!
  6. detroitgirl77

    Hello from Detroit!

    Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Michelle, wife to Ray, ma to 4 wonderful kids Amber-17, Anthony-6, Bryant-4 and Carisma-2. I have always had a taste for all things hot and spicy. When we had a garden when I was young, my mom grew chile tepins among other things and I would eat them...