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  1. Double Burn


    +1 on the cover   Shenanigans  
  2. Double Burn

    Friggin Squirrels!!!

      Uh, FYI, DEFCON 5 is peacetime readiness, DEFCON 1 is nuclear war imminent: :cheers:
  3. Double Burn

    Gnarly/Wicked Pod Page

    This is cool!  Looks like a little monkey brain . . .   Does this look like a donut hole to anyone else???
  4. Double Burn

    triple atomic wing challenge... hardly

    So did you win anything for defeating the challenge?  Not that it was a big deal for you or anything . . .
  5. Double Burn

    Pepper Branches Keep Breaking Off Help?

      Hey, I think your peppers are overwatered!  Oh no wait, they're "underwater"ed ;)   J/K, someone had to say it.  That's brutal!  Sorry about your loss!
  6. Double Burn

    Root Pouch/Wally World Bag Alternative

      Well the thing is, there's a bunch of companies that sell these bags for marketing purposes so I wonder who Walmart gets their bags from.  One vendor might have toxic bags and another has ok ones.  So if Walmart switches vendors, how would we know?  Another thing that's crossed my mind is how...
  7. Double Burn

    Root Pouch/Wally World Bag Alternative   I've bought these bags from this vendor before for work.  They're about the same size as the Wally World bags (20"x13"x8") but you can buy these in bulk (65¢ ea./100, 55¢ ea./200), choose from different colors, and...
  8. Double Burn

    Stomach Cramp Prevention?

        Haha, not a whole superhot at least!  I've had stomach cramps that lasted literally all night and it felt like someone was shoving a large, dull stick into my gut.  And this is just from eating a pickled hab.  You cold say that I'm a bit gun shy of eating a whole superhot, even with the...
  9. Double Burn

    Stomach Cramp Prevention?

    So basically, eat a lot of stuff that is high in protein, fat, and carbs before eating a super-hot pepper.   Or, just eat a lot of stuff before eating a hot pepper.   Gotcha.   Still not gonna do it.
  10. Double Burn

    water Over-hard Water, Calcium Lock, and Epsom Salt

    I just started adding Epsom salt to my irrigation water about 3 weeks ago (2 TBS/3.5 gal water).  Man, what a difference, at least with some of the plants!  I use regular Phoenix tap water that's been sitting for a day or two to allow the chlorine/fluorine to go away and add 1/4 strength fish...
  11. Double Burn

    sun Sunny hot day's , whats your combating method's

    I live in an apt. and have all of my plants on a west-facing balcony.  Even with the heat we're having, the plants are doing great (especially now that I'm adding Epsom salt to our over-hard tap water).  I'm getting about 5-6 hours of strong reflected to direct sunlight a day.  So for you, I'd...
  12. Double Burn

    chinense Smithsonian article on the Bhut Jolokia

    Enjoyed it--thanks for sharing!
  13. Double Burn

    almost 90

    Hahaha that ain't nothing!  As I write, my computer weatherbug is telling me it's 98 F!  Note that it's 8:52 PM here lol.  Been a hot few days over 100 already :fireball:
  14. Double Burn

    Temps too high for flowering?

    My plants have been outdoors for a couple months now, so I doubt this is the cause. Now I've read that peppers don't have veg and flowering stages like cannabis--they veg and flower at the same time. Or at least they can. Can anybody else confirm/deny this? Except that the flowers are...
  15. Double Burn

    Temps too high for flowering?

    So the last 2 or 3 weeks here in Phoenix have been in the low to high 90's during the day. I'm wondering if this may be the main cause of my pepper plants' flowers drying up and shriveling on the plant or not even flowering at all. Just to be clear, the buds don't fall off fresh and pretty...
  16. Double Burn

    chinense Jamaican and Trinidad Scotch Bonnets the same?

    I have both growing and was wondering if they're the same thing. I imagine if they are indeed different, it would be a minor thing but was just curious. FYI, I got the seeds from different sources so it very well could be just the name preference of whoever sold the seeds . . . TIA
  17. Double Burn

    diapers anyone?

    So if you use the crystals, what size is best for container plants? I've seen S, M, and L sizes and the S and M seem to be the most useful for small containers. As the full crystals shrink down as they lose water, they will leave a space in the soil and that's probably bad if the hole is too...
  18. Double Burn

    Root Pouches--More Evidence That They Work!

    FYI, you're wrong. per taste . . . 11 . . . to perceive or distinguish the flavor of anything. If it doesn't have enough Scovilles, I can't perceive it. Now go and do something useful with your time. Thanks for "contributing" to the thread :rolleyes:
  19. Double Burn

    Root Pouches--More Evidence That They Work!

    I got a 15 gal, 10 5-gal, 25 2-gal, and 25 pints for about $50 shipped. And I had to pick up some plastic labels to get to that level! I did have to wait a couple months as they were out at the time ordering but well worth the efort.