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    It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything..mainly due to the fact that everything has been going well lol. Well..sort of. My Habs have been flowering well, so with this rain every day I've done some pollinization works with the plants such as shaking and using a small paintbrush. I've got...
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    Which plants have produced during heat? Which ones shut down?

    My ghosts started showing growth and dropping flowers when the heat here in Florida started rising. I've since but them (and my habs) in a shade house. My tscorps seem to absolutely live the heat and even being younger plants than my ghosts, they've already surpassed then in size and they are in...
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    shade Building a Shade House UPDATED FINALLY!!

    Very nice man, it looks good! I just built one for $8 but it's only covering 4 plants :D
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    can ants be beneficial?

    Also, how damaging can whiteflies be? My plants really seem to have been struggling lately slowed growth, flower pods show up, turn brown and fall off even as tiny pods
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    can ants be beneficial?

    Well, I've been having an extreme whitefly infestation. I've been using neem oil but that seemed to be atemporary fix. So yesterday i mixed the flea shampoo with my neem oil and noticed a good number (maybe just over 30 or so ants on each plant) on each plant. so after a mild freak out i...
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    no idea, multiple things....

    Prehensile, thanks for the white fly tip. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them all die. The infestation my plants had was far worse than i thought, but it's all going away nicely now!
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    no idea, multiple things....

    What mineral spray/home remedy for the white flies? I can't seem to keep them at bay by just squashing and removing them
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    another flower drop thread :)

    With the mention of the rain i keep them from getting soaked by it. But the other day they for pounded with a heavy rain for a good 15 before i woke up and went rain dancing to get them inside. Maybe they for overly watered then. I did give them fert (about half dose of mg and half dose of fish...
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    another flower drop thread :)

    So, learning from here i know flower drop isn't anything to worry about, i kind of expected to see it when my plants started. However, all if my flowers dropped within two days on all my plants. This can't be normal right? All at once? I don't have a single flower left and no hints if new ones...
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    Plant Support

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    Plant Support

    I know I've seen a topic on here about using bamboo, or wooden stakes to help support your plants. At first I didnt think I would need either, however my plants are going from this      to this      I've tried mounding the soil around the base, but it doesn't seem to help. Obviously it gets...
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    container Multiple plants in a container

    Two plants in a pot is a no-go. I made this mistake AD this is my first grow. Somehow i ended up withtwo plants bound together by roots and i just shrugged it off. In this...
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    Simple solutions for beginners

    Good post btw. I'm in my first grow, i too went simple. Miracle grow putting soil Perlite (i didn't do any specific ratio, i did more of a "hey that looks like it will drain well" mix Water when the plants begin to wilt, do not water before then. When plant growth slows, put it in a bigger...
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    help in I.D. this caterpillar, UPDATE bird on cam

    Same caterpillar that took one night to wreak havoc on my hab plant. Can't id it, it's a common nuisance. I just chuck them in the pool so they can get their fill of chlorine
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    pests Bug ID please

    Thanks guys! Got them all off, now just to monitor closer.
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    pests Bug ID please

    gotcha, time to squash and scrape these guys off then thanks!
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    pests Bug ID please

    So I come out this morning to check for catepillars (my morning routine) and I see tiny white moth-like bugs flying under the leaves, i lift up a leaf and this is what I See.  They are tiny tiny all-white moth like flying bugs. Anyone know what these are, good/bad?
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    my chocolate trinidad scorpions are flowering...what should I do? these are soon to be flowers correct? Sorry I'm on my phone can't post directly into the forum.
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    my chocolate trinidad scorpions are flowering...what should I do?

    So, what about us first time growers with the basic mg potting soil lol. My bhuts have a ton of flower pods on them (weren't open as of yesterday) this is my first grow so id like to keep it simple until i get the understanding of the life cycles of the plants. Would all i need is some calcium...