Search results

  1. Heisenberg

    fermenting Fermenting Peppers - 10% Salt, too much?

    I also use 3.6%.  I dont base it on pepper weight, rather I make the brine solution to 3.6%, ie. 36g in 1L water.  I add the peppers (finely chopped in a food processor to increase surface area and help speed fermentation) into a mason jar approx 2/3 full.  I then add the brine up to approx the...
  2. Heisenberg

    How do you keep you sauce from separating ?

    I personally use xanthan gum.  Check online for how much to use, it takes very little.  I add it when Im half way through cooking and in the process of blending.  I put it in the top of the blender mid-blend so that it immediately spreads out and doesnt clump up.  Theres many others like...
  3. Heisenberg

    fermenting Dead Ferment?

    Whey (from a probiotic yogurt), sourdough hooch, Caldwell's, etc. Its all good.  Some people swear by letting nature take its course, but then its a race between the lactobacillus and the nasties to see who gets a foothold first.  Why tempt fate, use a starter.  And Ive had a few ferments that...
  4. Heisenberg

    vendor Pepper Joe

    So last fall I ordered a bunch of seeds from PepperJoe, and planted them indoors in February.  It was a variety of different kinds, ghost peppers being one kind.  I moved them outdoors in May.  As soon as I started getting peppers on my 'ghost' plants, I could tell something wasnt right.  They...
  5. Heisenberg

    fermenting Fermentation Weight

    Well you dont ever want to open the jar during the ferment to scoop any kahm yeast off.  You will be introducing O2 and thats not good, wait till the end if you need to scoop off the top.  Personally I have never had issues with Kahm yeast growing.  I dont use an airlock, I just snug on the tops...
  6. Heisenberg

    Monster Hab!

    I made a batch of sauce a couple months ago out of a box of golden habs.  Most of them were the size of golf balls.  
  7. Heisenberg

    Plants dying, pods dropping

    Have you split any of those rotting pods open to make sure its not pepper weevils?
  8. Heisenberg

    heat HigherThisHeats Too Heated Hot Sauce - Take 2

    Start simple and build on it.   Peppers (minced in food processor) vinegar salt Garlic powder xanthum gum (only IF you want to thicken/stabilize a sauce...check on proper amounts for this before you add takes VERY little)   These are basic common ingredients found in a lot of sauces. ...
  9. Heisenberg

    Cool summer - Southwestern Ontario

    Looks like everyone has been delayed this year...I guess its not just me.  Im just hoping for a long hot indian summer to make up for these cool temps.
  10. Heisenberg

    Cool summer - Southwestern Ontario

    Hello all.  I live in Canada, Southwestern Ontario and this year I planted the following in my garden:   Jalapeno Anaheim Pasilla bajio Cowhorn Scotch bonnet Habanero Ghost Naga Viper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Carolina Reaper   All were planted indoors from seed in february (ish), and all went...
  11. Heisenberg

    Help nubie question on canning.

    A few weeks should be adequate....I usually try to wait at least that.  As far as the pics, sign up for a photo service like photobucket, upload your pics to that, then link the photo url into your forum messages here.
  12. Heisenberg

    Newbie Hot Sauce Question

    I ferment, boil mash + add ingredients, blend, continue to boil, get to bottling temp, bottle.
  13. Heisenberg

    Reaper Madness, Take 1

    Even with shards of glass...I still think the most dangerous thing in it is the reapers.
  14. Heisenberg

    Tips for making a fruity hot sauce?

    I make a mango habanero sauce and its one of my favorites.  A small tip, the mangos dont impart a whole lot of sweetness on their own, especially when being over shadowed by a hot pepper.  I would think that the same concept would apply to other fruit.  I add agave nectar (quite liberally) to...
  15. Heisenberg

    fermenting Keep brine in sauce after ferment?

    Leave it.  Would seem like a waste of time if you were to pour it would be pouring off all the lactic acid produced during the ferment too.
  16. Heisenberg

    fermenting Fermenting with Vinegar

    I think you may be a bit confused.  You dont want to remove the lactic acid.  Your ultimate goal is to make a sauce which is shelf stable.  This means you dont want nasties like botulism to grow in it.  You can accomplish this by lowering the pH of the below 4.  You can do this by the...
  17. Heisenberg

    The Stupid Wind or How do you Support your Pepper Plants

    Im in Southwestern Ontario, and a storm/winds having been tearing through last night and today.  I woke up to half the plants in my garden knocked over.  My entire garden is pepper plants of various kinds, and all were tied to bamboo stakes.  Half the stakes were snapped and the plants were...
  18. Heisenberg

    Name that pod

    Well I cooked them up....well as many of them as I could fit in the pot.  Just a simple recipe, ended up with 18 10oz bottles.  It tastes pretty good, has a nice burn, but still doesnt seem to have the hab taste, even though they do look like the golden hab pics I looked up.  Im going to let the...
  19. Heisenberg

    Name that pod

    Heat seems to be less than a hab, but still pretty damn hot. Yea they are way bigger than habs that ive either grown or bought.   To me habs have that unique taste which other peppers do not, and these dont taste like that.  Ive never tried a fatali so I cant compare. 
  20. Heisenberg

    Name that pod

    So my wife's aunt came over today with a box of peppers that she got off a farmer, but couldnt remember the name of them.  At first glance I figured fatalis, but I though it may be possible that they were yellow habs....yet they dont have the signature hab taste.  What do you guys think?    