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How do you keep you sauce from separating ?

I think carrot has helped in some that Ive done but Im not sure if thats what did it. Ive had some with xantham that HAVE separated as well but just one or two. Im pretty sure xantham gum is all natural
I use Gluten free Xanthan gum....it on takes a little......for a dozen 5oz woozy's i use about an 1/8 th of a teaspoon when i blend the crap out of my sauce....never had a seperation.
The boss put a pretty good list together: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/39383-natural-gums-info/#entry828161
it's pinned here with the first 3 threads. I don't think he covered honey though. I used Xanthan gum once and it was all clumpy. Would up removing a bunch or little pearls of it. I've used a bunch of different things to help get my sauce to the consistency I like such as carrots, sweet potato, celery root, plantain and yucca. I've also thought about trying taro root and Jicama. I think the starch in them is what helps to prevent separation.
I personally use xanthan gum.  Check online for how much to use, it takes very little.  I add it when Im half way through cooking and in the process of blending.  I put it in the top of the blender mid-blend so that it immediately spreads out and doesnt clump up.  Theres many others like modified corn starch, but xanthan gum is probably the most used commercially.