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  1. Charx

    harvesting Early Freeze... harvested Falalii and Datil still Green

    OK... it's been a few weeks now.  I had placed some of the green Fataliis and Datils in a paper bag with over-ripe bananas and and an equal amount on a plate on a window sill (no banana).  Most of them have turned no matter where they are.  There are a few stubborn ones that aren't turning but...
  2. Charx

    harvesting Early Freeze... harvested Falalii and Datil still Green

    Thanks for finding that thread for me... it's very helpful.  I've now got half the green peppers in a bag with a ripe banana and I have half in a sunny place.  It will be interesting to see what happens!
  3. Charx

    harvesting Early Freeze... harvested Falalii and Datil still Green

    Hi everyone   I had an unexpected freeze and had to harvest my datil and red fatalii peppers while most were still green.... though some had turned.  My question is: Will they still turn?  And if not,  I'm open to suggestions of how to make the best of the situation.   Thanks  
  4. Charx

    Bishop's Hat and ??? ... both labeled Bishop's Hat... what's the other one?

      Yes... I am pretty sure the lower one is Bishop's Hat.... I'm just not sure about the top two (which are both off the same plant).
  5. Charx

    Bishop's Hat and ??? ... both labeled Bishop's Hat... what's the other one?

      Pretty close.... Brazilian Starfish pics look a little later.... I don't know. Maybe....  certainly not very hot....
  6. Charx

    Bishop's Hat and ??? ... both labeled Bishop's Hat... what's the other one?

    Hi Everyone....   I have 2 plants, both labeled as Bishop's Hat but they produce 2 different kinds of pepper.  Can anyone tell me what is what here? (top two are the same.... )   Thanks Charlie  
  7. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    Hey..... win, lose.... sprout, don't sprout.... It's all in good fun just hanging out to watch the banter and enjoy the humor of the members here!  My seeds are still being stubborn but I'll keep plugging away for another week or two.  Whatever happens you can count me in for next year!   Thanks...
  8. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    .... still staring at the wet paper towel..... nothing popping yet.  Maybe I used the wrong brand of paper towels  :confused: ???  
  9. Charx

    pests Leaf Curl... Bugs? Mites? Nutrients? Any guesses?

      Indeed... and the brewery is just down the road....  !!
  10. Charx

    pests Leaf Curl... Bugs? Mites? Nutrients? Any guesses?

    Done!  Nuked the fu*kers.  Local brew in one hand..... Azamax in the other....  Time will tell.  
  11. Charx

    pests Leaf Curl... Bugs? Mites? Nutrients? Any guesses?

    OK! Thanks everyone.  I'm going to nuke 'em with Azamax and see what happens..... the product mentions "kills mites" so that's what I will do.  I have isolated them already.   I don't think it's calcium or magnesium because I water every other time with cal-mag and none of my other plants are...
  12. Charx

    pests Leaf Curl... Bugs? Mites? Nutrients? Any guesses?

    Hi everyone   I have not come across this malady before..... but this is only my third year of growing so I'm no expert.  It's not aphids, I know that.  It is affecting only these 4 plants of the 30 I have.  They are all different pepper species.  Any guesses?   Thanks    
  13. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    The seeds arrived .... thanks!  Six more days till the show begins!
  14. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    Oh look.... now that the aji blanco crystal seeds are no longer under pressure to perform.... they have relaxed and decided to sprout!   :rolleyes:  I'm in on the  "new, improved" version of this throwdown..... why not!      
  15. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

      .... still waiting for my seeds to pop in lucky number 7.... been since Valentines Day.  I'm keeping them covered, wet and 85º....  I'll keep my fingers crossed!  (I have sprouted 96 seedlings this way so far this year so my method is working).
  16. Charx

    Pots vs Smart Bags. Is a Root Ball better or "air pruned" roots?

        Thanks.... what sizes do you generally use?  I have 3, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 gallon bags.  Most of plants were grown in the 7.5 and 10 gallon bags.   
  17. Charx

    Pots vs Smart Bags. Is a Root Ball better or "air pruned" roots?

    Hi Everyone   I'm starting my 3rd season of growing and had a couple of thoughts about growing in "Smart Bags" versus pots.  I used the bags last year and my growth was good.  I had lots of foliage... but... low yield of pods.  I know there could be many reasons for this (started late, too...
  18. Charx

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    OK... I'm game!  Sign me up..... !!
  19. Charx

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016

        I have one of these: TaoTronics hydroponic led grow light have 25 LEDs (3 blue & 22 red) which is good for about a 2'x2' area.   And a 75W Ott grow light with a parabolic reflector which covers another 2"x2" area.  I have a 6'x6'x3'(h)  reflective box I set the plant in.   I'm thinking...
  20. Charx

    The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2016

    It's great to see this GLOG back for 2016!  I followed as a noobie last year and gathered a lot of great information..... thank you!  My first question to start the new season:  when is everyone going to start he seedling process?   I started too late last year and my crop petered out.  