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  1. Shakes

    chinense Can you eat a Habanero straight??

    Does anyone else have this problem while eating raw chiles? I have this unintentional bad habit of breathing in through my mouth as I'm chewing on a hab. All the chile fumes get sucked right down my wind pipe.
  2. Shakes

    chinense Can you eat a Habanero straight??

    After gorging on my fresh chile assortment from a few weeks ago,, I pickled the rest of them. So far the pickled Fattallis were great. I still have jars of Bhut Jolokia, Fatalli, Devils Tongue and Red Savina. I prefer them raw but they'll do in a...
  3. Shakes

    I just received my shipment

    The company is in New jersey and I'm in the Los Angeles area. The box I got was a total of, with shipping, $40. No one in my house except for me eats chiles so what I couldn't finish I pickled. Pickled Fatallis and Bhuts are great.
  4. Shakes

    chinense Can you eat a Habanero straight??

    Thanks for your concern but it really never seems to bother me. In fact, right now I have a nice fresh Bhut Jolokia sitting next to me I'm going to have with my lunch.:hell:
  5. Shakes

    chinense Can you eat a Habanero straight??

    I received a shipment of fresh Bhut Jolokias, Devil Tongues, Fatallis and Red Savinas on Thursday and have been eating them raw all weekend. I've been burping up the taste of the Fatallis all day today.
  6. Shakes

    I just received my shipment

    I think they only ship the month of September and I ordered them back in July.
  7. Shakes

    I just received my shipment

    That's me ten years ago.
  8. Shakes

    I just received my shipment

    Yup. I got a lotta eatin' to do.
  9. Shakes

    I just received my shipment

    Hi Everyone. I haven't visited this forum for a while but I thought you might like to see what I received yesterday. Let me know what you think.
  10. Shakes

    condiment Yahualica Salsa Encino

    Ok, here's the deal... I feel generous today. I have 1 or 2 extra bottles, who would like to try it? I'll pick up the shipping tab. I'm not saying it's the best you've ever had only that it's different tasting and hard to find. Oh and yes, they're new, sealed bottles. All that I ask is that it...
  11. Shakes

    condiment Yahualica Salsa Encino

    Has anyone ever seen or tried this sauce? I must be the only one and I've only seen it in one mexican market and it's like $2 for 11.5 oz. bottle. I think I've gone through 12-14 bottles in the last 2 months. It doesn't taste like anything else and the way I've been using it it's like my side...
  12. Shakes

    CaJohns Fatalii Puree

    I just opened my bottle of Fatalii Puree for the first time the other day. I just poured it on chips and finished half the bottle in one sitting. I like the tangy flavor. Before that though, I finished my CaJohn 10 sauce but I think I like the Talon a tad better.
  13. Shakes

    hot-sauce EL Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce

    I usually pour the bright green stuff over my tamales and garnish it with sliced fresh habs.
  14. Shakes

    Hi all

    I've been busy and haven't checked in lately...thanks for all the welcomes! Where I live I'm surrounded by people that think ketchup is spicy.
  15. Shakes

    hot-sauce EL Yucateco Chile Habanero Hot Sauce

    A market around me has the bright green and red ones. I always have a couple of these around just for emergencies. I love this stuff. A couple of months ago I found the XXX version of their sauce and finished it almost that day. It's more of a brown color. The stuffs cheap and does the job...
  16. Shakes

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    Extra hot Posole with a side of grilled habanero chiles.
  17. Shakes

    Hi all

    I stumbled across this site last night on my quest for the Naga Jolokia chile and immediately registered. I figured there's got to be more people obsessed with eating chiles and I found them. I live in the Los Angeles area, north of Glendale, and I'm in my early 50's (I don't look it, I'm in...