chinense Can you eat a Habanero straight??

QuadShotz said:
Remember, Red Savina is still only around 500-600K SHU.

Thats about half or less of a Naga. And, they burn a LOT longer. :hell:

haha, yeah. well I guess I know what I've gotten myself into when I ordered the nagas... I'm actually really excited about it, should be a lot of fun. first time I tried a red savina it was just way too hot for me, but I had a fun time. the pain is just good. since the nagas are about twice as hot, it should be twice as fun, right? ;)
by the way, I haven't had a red savina in a good while, might have built up some tolerance to it... but I have my doubts. :D
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I have had orange, red, chocolate, and white whole one way or another at some time but to tell you the truth you live and you learn. I eat all my super hot chopped finely the placed in the cheapest store bought salsa you can find, presto! Eating whole and straight is not very high on my list. Of all of them the white habanero is the most doable because of it size. They are so tempting beacause of the extreme fruity flavor that you know you'll find before the heat kicks in. I love habaneros!!!

AAAAAACH!!! HURTING MY EARS!!!!!! For God's sake Man!!!!

Grow a frigging tomato plant! Cheap store bought salsa?????

All you need is a knife and one more plot for a tomato plant. There is NOTHING better than fresh pods and fresh tomatoes, and I DON't like tomatoes.(unless their yuckiness is diced up with sufficient heat and some salt;))
cheezydemon said:
AAAAAACH!!! HURTING MY EARS!!!!!! For God's sake Man!!!!

Grow a frigging tomato plant! Cheap store bought salsa?????

All you need is a knife and one more plot for a tomato plant. There is NOTHING better than fresh pods and fresh tomatoes, and I DON't like tomatoes.(unless their yuckiness is diced up with sufficient heat and some salt;))

Same here cheezy cant eat tomatoes straight it needs to be diced,in a salsa,Pizza for me to enjoy and i grew 15 toamato plants this year..iam starting to sample them a bit now :)
Lol, to each their own, but......

The First Fresh salsa out of the garden each year is one of my greates joys!!

Grow onions, garlic, tomatos, peppers, and maybe cilantro, and add a little salt, you can have the freshest salsa on earth.
Cheezy I grow my own tomatoes and get a huge June harvest. My wife makes the best salsa out of canned tomatoes and my pickled jalapeno year round. The only reason I said cheap store bought is a fresh pepper out of your garden will even make this salsa terrific. Anytime I sample a new pepper I always finely chop and put in some salsa and sample. I don't recommend eating any superhots raw.
i like certain salsas from the store, but they definately cant compare to fresh salsa; ive had hab salsa my buddy made, wasnt a fan, it was too thick, but the heat level was good, cant wait to try my bhut salsa, im a little worried about eating one of those straight, considering they are 3-4x hotter than an orange hab, and thats a pepper i can just barely handle...
whew, sitting here with a red savina on my desk and kind of doubting whether I should eath it or not... tempting but yet not :P bought 12 of them today
whuew, hot hot hot hot. just ate a whole red savina.
I got hiccups too... kind of scared of doing the habanero poppers now o_o

edit: nah nevermind, I'm quite fine. I just get scared when I get hiccups. soo, is there any way to get rid of the hiccups?
hmm, I just realized I sometimes get hiccups from jalapeños too... and those aren't really hot.

edit2: too late didn't take any pics, but can take pictures of when I do the poppers. kind of excited now.

hiccups can be controlled completely with the power of your mind.

I always relish the challenge!

You must focus on calming completely. I have to close my eyes.

Still I only do it 50% of the time, but it can be stopped by sheer will power.
really? I was pretty nervous before I ate it, so I guess if what you say is true that might have something to do with it? they did stop after about 15 seconds, but I had like 1 per second so it was pretty annoying.
cheezydemon said:
hiccups can be controlled completely with the power of your mind.

I always relish the challenge!

You must focus on calming completely. I have to close my eyes.

Still I only do it 50% of the time, but it can be stopped by sheer will power.

Yes it can, i was taught this method by a friend about 4 years ago, we were drinking i got the the hiccups, had them for about an hour then my mate says "get rid of those hiccups" i say "
yeah right smartass" he says "You are more powerful than that, concentrate and they will go away". It worked, one just has to calm down, breath slowly and try not to think of hiccuping! Practise and you will be a master hiccup killer:)
cheezydemon said:
hiccups can be controlled completely with the power of your mind.

I always relish the challenge!

You must focus on calming completely. I have to close my eyes.

Still I only do it 50% of the time, but it can be stopped by sheer will power.

Yeah, I'd agree.

ALthough, I can't rememebr the last time I hiccuped. :lol:

The one I hate is sneezing....
Hey munchman, congrats on defeating the mighty Red Savina! Now all you have left to face is the slayer of false chiliheads, the incomprehensible, eye-opening, mind altering heat of the Indian cobra snake chilies. :lol:

Good luck.
patrick said:
Hey munchman, congrats on defeating the mighty Red Savina! Now all you have left to face is the slayer of false chiliheads, the incomprehensible, eye-opening, mind altering heat of the Indian cobra snake chilies. ;)

Good luck.

heh, yep! I'll hopefully have those around the weekend. might record a video of me eating it if I find my camera. whew, hope I'll survive
Does anyone else have this problem while eating raw chiles?
I have this unintentional bad habit of breathing in through my mouth as I'm chewing on a hab. All the chile fumes get sucked right down my wind pipe.
not having that issue, I just close my mouth and enjoy it.

by the way what I meant with defeating the red savina was without having to drink anything to it until the heat was gone.