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1.5 million extract

i,m making a hot naga sauce with naga scotch bonnet and 1.5 million extract
whats the ratio for adding the extract to give it a mighty kick
i,m making a 10 litre batch so does 100 mils of extract sound right and does anyone know how to work out what scoville i,m adding
try concentrating the mash a bit more by adding extracts itll make a horrible sauce IMO by changing the flavors to the point where it seems like you sucked on a penny and were kicked in the stomach. A good sauce isnt so much how hot but the how does it taste and combining the two is magical -- Ask NJA from what I have read he has done just that. There is ALWAYS someone that will say its not hot enough -
try concentrating the mash a bit more by adding extracts itll make a horrible sauce IMO by changing the flavors to the point where it seems like you sucked on a penny and were kicked in the stomach. A good sauce isnt so much how hot but the how does it taste and combining the two is magical -- Ask NJA from what I have read he has done just that. There is ALWAYS someone that will say its not hot enough -

thanks dude but i really want to make a hot hot sauce
i,ll start with 10 mils per 10 litre and start from there
Cheers though for the feedback
thanks dude but i really want to make a hot hot sauce
i,ll start with 10 mils per 10 litre and start from there
Cheers though for the feedback

well just made a very nice tasting sauce with the following in varying amounts
Naga Chilli
Scotch Bonnet Chilli
mix of vinegar and white wine vinegar
mustard powder
lime juice
dark soy
20 mil 1.5 million extract
the flavour is very nice but the burn is hot and very long
any feedback would be appreciated

interesting ingredients, can you describe any flavor?

10 liters is a decent size batch. Extract does give it a different flavor, so maybe next time, bottle up most of the batch, then add the extract in a couple bottles for your friend. It would be interesting to compare the flavor of the extract sauce to the flavor of no-extract sauce.
As stated, why don't you just reduce down the peppers, it'll concentrate naturally. I can almost guarantee the extracts you are using are of the industrial grade and don't taste very good. If you reduce the peppers down to a thick syrup, I do believe you'll come out with something much hotter than you expected.

Don't add police mace unless necessary, a good rule of thumb.
As stated, why don't you just reduce down the peppers, it'll concentrate naturally. I can almost guarantee the extracts you are using are of the industrial grade and don't taste very good. If you reduce the peppers down to a thick syrup, I do believe you'll come out with something much hotter than you expected.

Don't add police mace unless necessary, a good rule of thumb.

Its actually decent food grade extract
the sauce is tasting pretty good only used a little of the extract to pep it up and it works well
The initial taste is very pleasent then you get a long drawn out burn which keeps on coming without getting too intense

all in all pretty pleased with my 1st attempt at a really hot sauce
Thanks for the feedback guys
and for us metrically challenged people-
3 kilo = 6 pounds 9 oz of chiles (I'm picturing a full plastic produce bag or maybe a 1 gallon container)
10 liters of sauce= 2.6 gallons
20 ml extract = 4 teaspoons

hope that helps to "picture" it.
I'm with LUCKYDOG. I HATE EXTRACTS IN SAUCE!!!!!!! I can't get into the BLAMMO blister hot from the get go, then if the blend is good, maybe you'll actually taste the ingredients. Just go with the actual heat of the fruit. Just throw in more and more peppers into it to get the heat up. It's all about flavor.

And Paulky, every time I'm in line at the hardware store I pick up the pepper sprays to look at the ingredients. Most of them just have a warning that says "don't spray into eyes". I'm just gonna buy one tomorrow. I'll spray it on a few pieces of chicken at the 4th of July BBQ!!!! The kids will love it..... I'll try to video it and send it to TOSH.0. I need to quit dranking before me or somebody else dies.