event 16 ANNUAL CHILE&food FEST BOWERS PA (near Kutztown)

Sorry to hear that. I was also planning on attending, but ended up not able to. Hopefully at least ONE attendee isn't a slacker with pics!
Unfortunately, I am not able to attend as I am helping friends pump water and clean up from the flood. It is devastation around here. To those that I was supposed to see and have dealings with there, I am sorry and I will be in touch.
Our house is a few miles from any of the creeks or the river. The house I used to live in before this one has water in the basement and yard though.
Justaguy took pics! I'm sure they will be up sometime today. Freaking awesome festival despite the prior rain.

3rd best day of my life to date.

Sethsquatch, your bags look puny compared to Brians... just sayin' :lol: I hope one of you picked some of the rare stuff. I may need some seeds. Well, if I can't get them later. I am planning on going up to do some picking in another week or so.
Those were just the starter bags. Here is mt final haul.
Oii! Typing hurts with Hunan hands....going to bed will post in the morning after upload :yawn:
Now I know why there weren`t many peppers left this afternoon :banghead:

The Biker Billys we picked have very little heat... almost thought we picked the Fooled Ya Jals.

Got abt 40 Yellow Bonnets, some Red 7s, Serranos for salsa, 7 fataliis, 5 Chocolate Fatalii for seed
and a bunch of other stuff... 7 3/4 lbs in all.

Jonahs,Primos and a few other choice ones had no pods.

Heirloom tomatoes ethier all got picked on Friday or the rain severely damaged that crop :rolleyes:

Lots and lo of green pods... tons of chocolate bhuts, wanted to dig up a plant and carry it home :D

Will be back in a few to pick.

Next year its Friday by hook or by crook.
Sethsquatch, your bags look puny compared to Brians... just sayin' :lol:

Those were only two of the 8 bags of peppers I picked, and they were from the second round through where I was being more selective and just picking stuff to sample...


But Brian is a pepper monster. Justaguy goes into the soil, gets absorbed by the roots, and then magically orders the plants to fill his bags with all the good pods. I'm telling you, He's a mad scientist/gnarly wizard hybrid. :lol:

Anyway, here is a look at all the processed peppers (which is a PITA when you are on a boil order and must buy gallons upon gallons of distilled water). Lost more Habs than anything from the mush factor, probably tossed 3 pounds all together of bad pods (tear). I think I may need to go back up... I mean, who needs a freezer for anything other than peppers, right?


Processed and bagged. Also picked up some sauce from Joe, Hot Horseradish from Defcon, smoked jalapeno flakes, and many other goodies.

These are still ripening... I also have a container of use immediately that will make a nice pepper relish or flakes later today.

sorry Alphion, the turn out was average really because of the rain, but it appears there are more people interested in the super hots now more than ever,you can give Jim at Meadowview a call he has alot of goodies in the store,if you need the info let me know or just check the top of this forum the info is there, it did not surprise me that that was the case with the fields i honestly didn't get too much either i will later, however i did not pick very much i was busy with my stand selling my sauce, had a great time, met DEFCON,SETHSQUACH,JUSTRAGUY,MOTH EATER,AXSPORT,(AKA ALEX)ALSO NICOLE AND JOHNNY OF HEARTBREAKING DAWNS,all not surprising to me very good people!! hope i didn't forget anyone, i had an awesome time as usual and yes it did happen guys, im going to post pics i have a few i promise

Friday must be a madhouse there!

sorry Alphion, the turn out was average really because of the rain, but it appears there are more people interested in the super hots now more than ever,you can give Jim at Meadowview a call he has alot of goodies in the store,if you need the info let me know or just check the top of this forum the info is there, it did not surprise me that that was the case with the fields i honestly didn't get too much either i will later, however i did not pick very much i was busy with my stand selling my sauce, had a great time, met DEFCON,SETHSQUACH,JUSTRAGUY,MOTH EATER,AXSPORT,(AKA ALEX)ALSO NICOLE AND JOHNNY OF HEARTBREAKING DAWNS,all not surprising to me very good people!! hope i didn't forget anyone, i had an awesome time as usual and yes it did happen guys, im going to post pics i have a few i promise


G, last year we went on Saturday and the festival was mobbed... this year not so much.
We got there late and picked enough peppers to keep us happy for awhile! Most were packing up when we got to the festival itself.

No need to apologize Ajijoe! It was a great day to get out of the city with several of my children and a few friends!

Met Motheater and our 8 year old daughter got to try his sauces, got a bottle signed for her too. Now she won`t let anyone near HER sauce :lol: It was fun watching people tell her "Honey this is HOT!" and seeing their faces as she ate it without a blink. She is a trooper.

With the Jalapenos we can make poppers everyone will eat, not just the fire-eaters in da house :) So even if the memories from last year exceed this years... IT WAS ALL GOOD FUN :dance:
OK so 3am Friday morning my [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]2[/sub] day vacation kicks in and out the door I went. Picked up Sethsquatch and his GPS and off we went. Fun ride and on the way we passed by

And let me tell you as a single guy that was hard :rofl:
After going a little farther we finally saw what we would soon find was heaven to us.

We drove in and found a good spot to park, put on our head lamps and went looking at field markers. At 6:45am we entered the field with 5 and 7 gallon buckets, plastic grocery bags, and a trash bag to kneel on. Then the fun began. Here are some pictures I took later when the sun had come up.


After almost 6 hours in field I finally came out for my second trip to the scales and that is when Seth got out his phone so we could document some of it.


Then we went down the road with 30-40 pounds of peppers in the coolers.
Sorry no pics of the haul there and I wasn't home yet.
Finally around the 29 hour up mark for me Seth and I left. 1 Detour going down ended up being 4 coming back. Never got to stop at

Crashed at Seth's and Saturday came home and processed. Some of the randoms got done before I snapped these.
Pile o' Caribbean Red and Chocolate Habs

Freaky little Caribbean


Then a Pile o' Red and Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

and their freak

and as if that wasn't enough

Pepp3rfreak told me to come up last night and pick Fatalii's. :crazy: I'm not going to argue. He told me to fill a 5 gallon bucket. I got about [sup]2[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] of the way there but the headlamp was fading and I was getting drunk.

This was a weekend in heaven for me and the Hunan Hands have subsided, but were fun.