seed-plant-vendors 1lucky1972 eBay review...

So I bought seeds from this seller a couple weeks ago. I'm getting a 50% to 60% germination rate with some of the seeds, some of the hotter varieties don't germinate at all. Today I went back on the listings of the peppers I bought and I found that 5 out of 8 listings that I bought off of had images straight from google images.. When I say that I mean the very first picture on the google images list...
Here are some examples. If you go to this listing HERE, right click on the image, click "Search Google for this image", after it opens a new tab click on "Visually similar images" you will see that same image is the first one in the list.
Here are the other links to the listings that I checked.
Link #1
Link #2
Link #3
Link #4
Now I'm not saying that he/she is a bad seller but isn't it odd that someone sells hundreds, even thousands of seeds and doesn't even have the time to take a picture of their own peppers? Sounds a little fishy to me. 
Once the germinated plants grow pods I'll update this thread and I'll let you all know for sure if he/she is a reputable seller. I just wanted to warn some people so that they think before buying from a person that doesn't even take the time to use their own pictures, which can result in you getting peppers that look nothing like what you ordered or even completely different varieties.
Just my two cents, but I'd never buy seeds off eBay. I don't have an ethical problem with middle-men per se (although it does seem like a slightly parasitic existence), but I'm also not going to ignore the chain-of-custody question. The more people a product has to go through before it gets to the consumer, the less transparency there is in terms of who produced it, how they produced it, and whether or not they were compensated for it. I can think of at more than one seed vendor with a reputation for sending out seed that's not viable. I know firsthand that this vendor doesn't care one whit what kind of conditions the seeds were grown or processed under. Are they isolated? How were they isolated? Doesn't matter. What chemicals were used? Doesn't matter. Were they properly dried? Doesn't matter. Did they come from plants infected with viral or bacterial pathogens that can be transmitted through seeds? Doesn't matter. How old are they? Doesn't matter. Their products reflects that. Giving their customers what they paid for? Doesn't matter.
hogleg said:
Look, the stolen duck pics is a very serious matter and the Federal Waterfowl Agency is investigating the matter. Last I heard, they are still waiting on DNA analysis.  Which according to court documents Drew refuses to submit his duck for DNA testing.
As far as stolen pepper pics??? What do you think this is?? Some kind of pepper forum or sumthing?
This is a Duck Forum! Try to keep it on Topic.
Oh, and welcome to The Top Ducker   :party:
Oh, Hogleg. Always ducking around.
ajdrew said:
So then he gets advice from Wicked Mike about a week ago.  He knows those seeds were bunk because with Wicked Mike's advice he is now getting damn near 100% germination after a week.  Now Wicked Mike is one smart cookie, but I am thinking that if he can manage near 100% germination after a week it is more than advice that he provided.  He done sent the guy the magic pepper fairy grow dust or something.

60% after a week is excellent
Damn near 100% after a week, now that is black magic.
No black magic involved. 25% purloined duck manure, 75% Jedi mind tricks.