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2009 Grow Log

redeyes said:
good job!!!! man what kind is that??? looks awesome ... keep us posted !!!

The two indoors are Aji Lemon Drop. If anyone wants seeds, I'll have shitloads before long and they should breed true since these are isolated.
Now for the update! I'm going to split these up into plants since I got lots of pics.

First up: Trinidad Scorpion

This one is really starting to fill out, all the new growth is branching at the top and I'm starting to see flower buds!




One member of my pest control fleet:



Despite being the slowest grower of the bunch, my Fatalii is making some good progress. It, too, is showing its first flower buds and I like the way it's growing with the 3 tops.



Fatalii flower buds!

Finally some pod shots with varying degrees of flash. I like how they all came out slightly different colors.



Great video! What size light are the 2 under? I started with 8 plants in my closet and i'm down to 4, but 2 of my TS are taking over so I will be down to 2 pretty soon until I setup a bigger 16'x8 closet with 2 cool tubes. Then I'll start working on the hydro!
LGHT said:
Great video! What size light are the 2 under? I started with 8 plants in my closet and i'm down to 4, but 2 of my TS are taking over so I will be down to 2 pretty soon until I setup a bigger 16'x8 closet with 2 cool tubes. Then I'll start working on the hydro!

400W HPS with either a GrowBright or AgroMax bulb which is supposed to be 30% more blue than standard HPS. Definitely looks less orange than my friend's HPS.

Can't wait to see your hydro setup. It's so much more rewarding than growing in soil, simply ridiculous growth rates.
Txclosetgrower said:
400W HPS with either a GrowBright or AgroMax bulb which is supposed to be 30% more blue than standard HPS. Definitely looks less orange than my friend's HPS.

Yeah I can't wait to get some of my plants in hydro. I would have already, but I didn't want them outgrow the room so I held off.

Do you have spectral distribution charts for either of those 2 bulbs?? I'm using a 1000 Eye Hortilux "Blue" bulb for my plants. Only has 80k lumens, but the spectral chart compared to other bulbs I've looked at is usually 4-5 times more light although 2-3 times more in cost.

LGHT said:
Yeah I can't wait to get some of my plants in hydro. I would have already, but I didn't want them outgrow the room so I held off.

Do you have spectral distribution charts for either of those 2 bulbs?? I'm using a 1000 Eye Hortilux "Blue" bulb for my plants. Only has 80k lumens, but the spectral chart compared to other bulbs I've looked at is usually 4-5 times more light although 2-3 times more in cost.


I can't find the distribution chart, but here is the website for the growbright one, I can't find much on the agrosun except that the potheads love it :lol:. I've had one of the hortilux 1000W HPS bulbs and it was badass. 145,000 lumens.....gave the sun penis envy.

I got my 400W system from www.HTGsupply.com They are moving right now so their online store is down, but when they're back up I'll see if I can tell which of the two bulbs I ordered.

The 400W growbright one is supposed to put out 55k lumens as opposed to 50k like most 400W lights. From what I've seen 430W lights usually put out 55k so if the bulb really is that bright its like getting 30W free.
Glad to see your hydro plants are finally doin what they're supposed to. I been having similar problems with my plants in a DWC. Ridiculous vegetative growth, no buds. I followed suit and just cleaned and filled the reservoir with pH'd tap with half strength micro. Hopefully i'll be in the same place you're in soon.
Txclosetgrower said:
I can't find the distribution chart, but here is the website for the growbright one, I can't find much on the agrosun except that the potheads love it :lol:. I've had one of the hortilux 1000W HPS bulbs and it was badass. 145,000 lumens.....gave the sun penis envy.

I got my 400W system from www.HTGsupply.com They are moving right now so their online store is down, but when they're back up I'll see if I can tell which of the two bulbs I ordered.

The 400W growbright one is supposed to put out 55k lumens as opposed to 50k like most 400W lights. From what I've seen 430W lights usually put out 55k so if the bulb really is that bright its like getting 30W free.

Ok I think I did do the research on the agrosun one, but even after calling the company and asking for specific details they couldn't provide any real numbers on how much of each spectrum the bulb actually puts out. Not sure why they couldn't provide any info, but I decided to go with eye because I knew exactly what the bulb was putting out. I do loose some lumens, but the PAR light that the bulb puts out is far beyond of the other bulbs I looked at.
chilliman said:
NIce setup and grow TEX ! You sound like my new inlaws.. accent is similar to central west around WI, IMO. ??

Lol I guess I sound that way cause I was trying to actually speak clearly. Normally I just kinda mumble with a thick Texan accent, but then I would have had to have subtitles :lol:
Looks like your plants are doing well TX. Keep us updated. I also liked your video. The beginning looked like you were an informant trying to cover your real identity.
LGHT said:
Ok I think I did do the research on the agrosun one, but even after calling the company and asking for specific details they couldn't provide any real numbers on how much of each spectrum the bulb actually puts out. Not sure why they couldn't provide any info, but I decided to go with eye because I knew exactly what the bulb was putting out. I do loose some lumens, but the PAR light that the bulb puts out is far beyond of the other bulbs I looked at.

LGHT, you'll be very happy with your Hortilux bulb. That 1kW one I was talking about is almost 3 years old and still going strong. If my friend didn't live so far away I'd take a pic of his setup, he's got a cool tube just like mine but actually has it set up for air cooling. That bulb has served him well over the years.