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2009 Grow Log

hmm well it's been about a week since I switched to flowering nutes yet still all my flowers are dropping. I have literally hundreds of flower buds but every day I cone home to find 5 or so flowers on the ground. It's starting to piss me off, these plants are absolutely gigantic but refuse to set fruit. WTF.
Txclosetgrower said:
hmm well it's been about a week since I switched to flowering nutes yet still all my flowers are dropping. I have literally hundreds of flower buds but every day I cone home to find 5 or so flowers on the ground. It's starting to piss me off, these plants are absolutely gigantic but refuse to set fruit. WTF.

Patience, they'll fruit when they are ready.
Well we might be making progress. The first lemon drop flower opened today. So far every flower had dropped before it had a chance to open. The scorpion is still flowering, but all of the flowers are dropping. I'm hoping that maybe the current set of 10 or so open flowers will have 1 or 2 stick.

*crosses fingers*

Also, is it possible to harden off a plant that is already 3 feet tall? Or will trying to move them outside hurt them since they are so accustomed to growing indoors? I'm just wondering because despite my huge grow box i'm starting to run out of space. Big doesn't even describe these plants anymore. I was thinking of maybe taking one out to the porch and transplanting it into a large pot of coco coir to give the rest more room. Anyone ever tried this?
Pepper-Guru said:
Ya know, I would like to see what those dutchbucket peppers can do under the sun!

Txclosetgrower said:
Also, is it possible to harden off a plant that is already 3 feet tall? Or will trying to move them outside hurt them since they are so accustomed to growing indoors? I'm just wondering because despite my huge grow box i'm starting to run out of space. Big doesn't even describe these plants anymore. I was thinking of maybe taking one out to the porch and transplanting it into a large pot of coco coir to give the rest more room. Anyone ever tried this?

This is too funny. Dude, do it. You'll have to take in to account which direction your porch is facing, but you could use the porch as your in-direct hardening location. Its easy to do. Just take them out into direct sun for about 10-20 minutes for a few days then gradually increase your exposure. The plants will tell you when they are getting too much. Just listen to them. Fuck the pots, keep em in the dutch (with a few mods) and see what happens! ;)
Well I've just about had enough of this, getting ready to toss the whole thing out. Over 100 flowers have fallen off my scorpion and it's just about run out of room. All im doing is wasting time and money. I don't see any reason to keep a pepper plant that doesn't produce peppers. They've been on flowering nutes for weeks but it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. I just don't understand it. Hell normally I have to pinch flowers to keep fruit from setting when the plants are less than a foot tall, these are over 3 feet tall and mature....
Txclosetgrower said:
Well I've just about had enough of this, getting ready to toss the whole thing out. Over 100 flowers have fallen off my scorpion and it's just about run out of room. All im doing is wasting time and money. I don't see any reason to keep a pepper plant that doesn't produce peppers. They've been on flowering nutes for weeks but it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. I just don't understand it. Hell normally I have to pinch flowers to keep fruit from setting when the plants are less than a foot tall, these are over 3 feet tall and mature....

Whats your EC? If you don't have a meter, go get one right now and check that. If your ppm is anywhere above 1500 and your EC is anywhere above 1.5 then you'll get that curl and flower abortion. Also, try and cut out all of your nitrogen, there aren't really any hydro nutes SPEC MADE for peppers so as a grower you'll need to adapt your formulas. Check it bro. Let me know.
Pepper-Guru said:
Whats your EC? If you don't have a meter, go get one right now and check that. If your ppm is anywhere above 1500 and your EC is anywhere above 1.5 then you'll get that curl and flower abortion. Also, try and cut out all of your nitrogen, there aren't really any hydro nutes SPEC MADE for peppers so as a grower you'll need to adapt your formulas. Check it bro. Let me know.

Yeah i think my EC is 1.8 or 1.9 (last i checked)....thats what i get for following directions on a bottle. I'll top off with some more water and bring EC down and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip man, i didn't realize that the EC being too high would cause flower abortion.

What EC do you suggest? 1.5? Or is that the upper limit and i should shoot for lower than that?
Don't you dare give up TXCG! Figure out what the problem is and fix it! Those plants are just aching to produce hundreds of evil pods for you man. Stay with it!!!
hey man just a thought did you pollent your flowers??? i always tapped the flower and you can see dust fall and i did it to most every flower i saw ...
redeyes said:
hey man just a thought did you pollent your flowers??? i always tapped the flower and you can see dust fall and i did it to most every flower i saw ...

Yeah I tried pollinating every single flower that opened. They would let me do it before I go to work but then if I tried to touch them when I got off they would fall right off. Looks like I may have a single pollinated flower on one of my lemon drops tho.
I think hydro may be to good for peppers and they get to much ferts and continue to grow and abort fruit set. Either that or they just are very picky indoors. I notice that my outdoor plant drop flowers when they are over feed. Willard keeps his ppm at 450-550, very low nutrients. Maybe try feeding straight water for a week at a time. I'd sure like for you hydro guys to figure this out, I really want year round chile peppers!
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I think hydro may be to good for peppers and they get to much ferts and continue to grow and abort fruit set. Either that or they just are very picky indoors. I notice that my outdoor plant drop flowers when they are over feed. Willard keeps his ppm at 450-550, very low nutrients. Maybe try feeding straight water for a week at a time. I'd sure like for you hydro guys to figure this out, I really want year round chile peppers!

Thats just it. Nute levels and and conductivity need to be at LOW levels in a hydro system for peppers to do what they are supposed to. You see in soil you have a buffer...."The Soil" however in this system there is none, its just straight fert injection to the roots...so, pepper plant roots do their job SO well that you don't need to feed as you would in soil. Everything is availabe for the roots immediately and without obstruction.
Yessir, first pollinated flower:

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I think hydro may be to good for peppers and they get to much ferts and continue to grow and abort fruit set. Either that or they just are very picky indoors. I notice that my outdoor plant drop flowers when they are over feed. Willard keeps his ppm at 450-550, very low nutrients. Maybe try feeding straight water for a week at a time. I'd sure like for you hydro guys to figure this out, I really want year round chile peppers!

I'm not having any problem setting fruit! jalapeno, chinese multi color and naga jolokia! Well the naga just started, but I've done 2 batches of chipolte off my winter hydro set up. This was my first attempt at it!
Hi tx. Your nutes are maybe a bit strong, remember the guidelines are for weed. The fact you are using hard tap water (I think that's what you told me) means adding what the bottle tells you will give you a quite high ec by the meter but this is not the 'true' nutrient strength. I have had better results using rain water which has a starting value of less than 0.1ec. tap water 0.78ec.

When using softer water you find the ph starts low (5.5 ish) so you have to ph up. I add 0.5ml of ph up to 5 US Gallons and this brings it up to 6.0 - 6.1. With softer water you dont need to add as much ph adjuster opposed to using harder.

My e.c is around 1 - 1.1 but after 24 hours this drops to 0.65 - 0.85 and I have to top up around a gallon of water too.
Mine are massive now and I have around 15 pods between the 2 plants.

Other indications of over fert is dark green dull leaves and hooking tips.
