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2009 Porn

A few pics of this years crop

Last years in-door hydro moved outside. Bhut x 2, Fatalli, Red Savina. Chocholate Hab. Never got much fruit with Flor. lights.


Unknown clones from last years in a home made ebb and flow system. Will not know what they are until they ripen


New plants in my new Aero-Flo 18. Bhuts, Fatalli, Scorpion, Devil tounge and red Devils tounges


Two, year old and two new hop plants


Misc left over clones



Already have 7 chocholate pods and two unknowns
Nice plants mate!

That first piccy is vnice.

Nice plants, but I didn't know you could get plants to produce fruit with CFL lights. I thought they where only for growing leaves.
DWC, in addition it has drippers into the baskets. You can see a video of it on Stealth Hydro's web site.

Those plants kept outgrowing my indoor chamber and I would have to keep knocking them back. Those cuttings were what I used for cloning. That is why I won't know what they are until they start to rippen. God only knows how many more I threw away over the last year.