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2010 Garden setup


10x20' Need more space for peppers!


Trickle/mister. Thank the lord for old hose.


Out of space so my Caribbean Reds had to go in the yard. Just wish they had been the Bhuts they were sold to me as by Seedrack.


I love the color red!!!!!!!

I have a lot of Jimmy Nardellos this year. I know they are a sweet pepper, but if anyone wants some seeds just send me a PM. I clean the seeds out most times before slicing them up so I always have alot.
Anyone know what site people use for pics to post them big so you see detail? Mine i put on photobucket and as you see they came thru small.
Anyone know what site people use for pics to post them big so you see detail? Mine i put on photobucket and as you see they came thru small.
i think photobucket has a resizing tool. Nice garden i really like the structure i might have to build one next year because of the killer heat and sun down here.
Yeah I have metal stakes that I laid the bamboo on. Also have a sheet of 6mil plastic big enough to cover the whole thing if needed. I have access to 7 different bamboo patches/groves. When nice to people they love you wanting to remove some. The hose I have plugged in one end then just used a safety pin after I cranked the water on. It is nice because I can make the spray go where ever I want it.

They love getting their shower.


I wonder if I can pay someone to hold me until they go red. I need to wait, but yummmm
Nice looking setup there!

Your Caribbean Reds seem to be thriving like mad! I'm growing some for the first time this year and they are now my favorite hot pepper. Excellent fruity (almost strawberry) flavor with just the right amount of heat. I've been putting them in and on everything I eat since they've been ripening. My woman is getting irritated with my antics in the kitchen as of late.
I enjoy slicing them as thin as I can, then putting the slices on wax/parchment paper and freezing them. They are like slivers of burning ice when you pop them on your tongue.
Nice pepper patch and irrigation system, great looking pods as well.

Once you start drying pods and making powder I think you'll find it takes a LOT of dried pods to make an appreciable amount of powder. :)
Yeah I remember last year it did. Todays Harvest will get me some powder to get by with til I make more. Well more then enough unless I order pizza for the kids and make a dish just for me. :D
Harvest 83 today with only one suspected bad one with a black buggy spot. Cut it open and it was almost completely fine so yummy. Left plenty of not quite readys. This is going to be a big crop.

Had to block the flash. Why are yardsticks shiny?

Just some new photos.

My Jimmy Nardello sweet peppers are coming ripe. The first one to go ripe was small and looked odd. Apparently I am thinking last year I got a cross with either a true Caribbean Red or Chocolate Hab or Cayenne as those 3 were in my garden. Next year I will be using seeds from 2 years ago to avoid that. So this little one had a great kick. I haven't picked another like it. Is it possible the cross happened during pollination this year? And the spice came thru right away?

These pics are of the Jimmy Nardello's that are normal and so damn sweet.



The carrots are right next to the Nardello's..... same as in my salads. lol

Plants got too high for the side hoses to get into the middle. I had to add more holes to the top so the all the plants get water from above.



Finally for today I have an ID question. My friend's wife gave me some small peppers last year and I dried them for seeds for this year. She is from Indonesia and said back home they grew and ate these all the time. There is a language barrier and she doesn't know their name.


Well they aren't red yet, but I was wondering if anyone may have an idea what they may be so I have at least a starting point to search from.



Green they have a light kick. After some super hots I have tried these are more like a light bump not a kick,