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2010 Garden setup

Thank you Wasatch.

I am not harvesting any seeds from here for next year as the crowding probably has made some weird crosses this year in the seeds.
Your peppers are looking really nice. I think I will add Carribean Red to my list for next year.
I see you grow Jimmy Nardello's also. It is my favorite sweet pepper. I only wish it was bigger.
Your peppers are looking really nice. I think I will add Carribean Red to my list for next year.
I see you grow Jimmy Nardello's also. It is my favorite sweet pepper. I only wish it was bigger.

Nardello's are nice, but bigger? Good lord my plants already have trouble being top heavy.
Yours are top heavy? I've wished I had that problem
with the Nardello's. They must like your garden better.
My plants have never really gotten that big.
Yours are top heavy? I've wished I had that problem
with the Nardello's. They must like your garden better.
My plants have never really gotten that big.

Mine get from 2.5-4 feet tall but when they get 6 or more peppers they tend to go top heavy with the peppers. In the one picture you can see the string I have around the outside of the one group to keep them standing.


Jimmy's are turning. Woohooo
Did you plant clover as a ground cover in your bed?

No, but if I had thought of it it would haven't worked. lol. There is a vining weed of sorts in the yard allll over and that is all I pull to keep out. The clover is something I never thought to be a problem because it doesn't choke like the vine. I only pull the clover until the plants get well established. Is that a bad idea to let it go like that?
Absolutely not, I dont think. Clover fixes nitrogen in the soil and is used as ground cover on many no-till farms. Just wondering if you did it on purpose and if it worked. It looks like it worked so maybe I will do it on purpose :)
Looks somewhat like a cayenne to me.

Nope that wrinkly one is/was a Nardello. It has been eaten. Although I do have a few plants going that are to my best knowledge Jimmy Nardello X Cayenne. If you or anyone wants some of these cross seeds to grow out and stabilize just PM me.

Absolutely not, I dont think. Clover fixes nitrogen in the soil and is used as ground cover on many no-till farms. Just wondering if you did it on purpose and if it worked. It looks like it worked so maybe I will do it on purpose :)

Mother nature does it for me so I guess I am lucky.

Good harvest today. After 6 days off 190 Caribbeans and after 2 days off 14 Nards. Anyone know if Pennsylvania is supposed to get thru this cold snap anytime soon??? Or should I cover the garden for the greenhouse effect so they stay warmer?
Congratulations on the great harvest. Those Carib. Reds are amazing. I have 4 of them that are now setting pods. My only hope is that the greenhouse gives me more time. I want to see these babies ripen SO BAD.
WOW! 190 Carribbean Reds??? How many plants do you have?

I've been covering my garden for the last week. It's been dipping down into the low 40s high 30s at night.

I hope it gets warm soon. The nice thing is I can open the ends for a breeze when the sun is out and close an hour or so before dark to trap in the suns heat. Yesterday it got up to 85-90 in there. My sprinklers are in there too so I just need to find a way to heat it in winter and I am golden. I know with only plastic there is no chance but I should be able to stretch out a few more weeks for ripening.
Came across some nice anomalies while prepping dinner last night. The Caribbean Red is/was a monster. The Jimmy Nardello looked normal. Enjoy the pics.




2 little ones in that 1 big one



And then the Jimmy Nardello


Sorry for the fuzzy pics. I have to work on that. Have a better camera but it is mini disc and not an SD card.