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2012 7 Pot Primo & Brain Strain Goodness

I finally have some peppers ripening up! The 7 pot primo and brain strain are the only two super hots that grew true for me this year. My douglah that I saved seeds from last year turned out to be a cross, and my chocolate bhut I got in a trade turned out to be a red bhut (not exactly a crisis or anything). I would have had my first ripe brain strain and red bhut earlier this week, but some asshole swiped them before they fully ripened. I really, REALLY, hope they bit into the brain strain and experienced agonizing pain for the rest of the evening, haha...

So without further ado, a plant full of 7 pot primo (thanks cmpman1974) and another full of brain strain (thanks nmorris279). I'll try to post more pics as the season progresses...




Awesome looking peppers that suck about the robbery hopefully you able to try these before another incident occurs. What size root pouches are you using.
Thanks for the kudos guys! Now that I think about it, that second pic of the 7 pot primo kind of reminds me of one of those "face huggers" from the Alien movies, haha.

As for the root pouches my chinense plants are all in 5 gallons, and my thai chile plants are in 3 gallons. I am sold on those things for sure. My plants are doing better than when I put them in 5 gallon buckets, and I'll probably overwinter the primo and brain strain in the pouches after I cut back the branches this fall.

Basically, I finally have a system that works after 5 years of tinkering! Fill the root pouches with Pro mix or Sunshine mix, the recommended dose of Espoma's Tomato Tone fertilizer, several heaping handfuls of worm castings, and done. I supplement with a mild mix of Cal-mag and fish emulsion every 3 weeks or so, and damn if my plants aren't just pushing those pods out like crazy. Just got to keep them watered regularly, because those root pouches dry up pretty quickly, and with the heat wave we had the past couple of weeks, that means a solid watering per day.

Aw, what the hell, I'll post the rest of the pics I took:

Orange Thai up front in first row, Foodarama Scotch Bonnet second row in front (thanks Capitone), Aji Limon second row in back, Bhut Jolokia red third row up front, Brain Strain in back.

Khun Rabhi's Hybrid up front in first row (thanks kamo33), 7 Pot Primo second row in front, Douglah x probably Caribbean Red Habanero second row in back (no thanks to pollinating insects, haha), and finally, third row is a random C. chinense found at a market that I smuggled back from the Galapagos over New Years. This plant is very interesting for many reasons, and it didn't skip a beat during the last heat wave. I think its genetics are used to sweltering, humid heat.

Closeup of Khun Rabhi's Hybrid Thai chile plants. Crazy heat and very prolific, with a cool history behind them.

Closeup of Orange Thai I got from Seed Savers Exchange. All the recommendations from other board members were spot on. These Thai chiles taste great, are easy to grow, and have great heat to them. I'll be growing these every year from now on...
Nice plants Sketchi! They look like they are as happy as can be. I'm really liking that [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Khun Rabhi's Hybrid Thai chile plant. It's beautiful. Congrats on the podage.[/background]
Bad news everyone...my one and only 7 pot primo plant got snapped off at the base from a storm we had yesterday. I don't even have the heart to take a picture of it. Lost probably 25 gnarly pods that I was looking forward to.

On the upside, a few branches below where it snapped survived, so I took it over to my girlfriend's to isolate it. That way, at least all the pods that it produces will have pure seed. Silver lining I suppose...
Sorry for your loss. It will grow back, just set you back a ways.

Which Sunshine mix you using, I am using fabric pots and your mixture sounds good.
Sorry for your loss. It will grow back, just set you back a ways.

Which Sunshine mix you using, I am using fabric pots and your mixture sounds good.

I am using Sunshine Mix #4 in my fabric pots. I typically use Pro Mix BX, but they were out when I stocked up at the pot growers store earlier this year, and the guy working there also said the Sunshine mix was pretty much the same thing but with more perlite for better drainage. Couldn't be happier. Well, aside from my primo having a weak stem, haha...