event 2012 Zestfest Pics and stories


eXtreme Business
Hey, everyone, Share your travel and convention stories and pictures here!

traveling light-

Salsakid "thrilled" to have to endure a 24 hour ordeal just to get to the hotel
edit to remove pic of kid

Will It Fit?


Taking care of the priorities, get that beer on ice!


The booth before and after, and some last minute labeling



It'll look a lot better tomorrow with all the bottles and samples out, but at least it's easy=peasy to set up. We're crashing out early tonight. See y'alls later. Might check back on some other threads later.
Thanks for sharing with us SL!!! Been thinkin' about ya tons!!!!!! Looks like you're just about set, and it looks fantabulous!!!!! Loooove the new Pure Evil labels!!!!! Wait...what if I put some in my whiskey shot?! Pure Evil gone Right?! Missing you and wishing you boatloads of fun and awesome stories! XOXOXO to you and SK!!!!! Now...kick back and Chillax for a bit! :)
Thanks everyone,
We chillaxed too much, now we're late getting up this morning- gotta go!
Kick ass and take names. Leave it all there! Come home exhausted with lots of pics and stories.
Kick Sicman in the danglies for me.
Ok, here was my day at Zest Fest..........warning photo overload :drunk:

Salsalady & Salsakid!

Salsalady and I

Sicman, Sicwoman, and I


Defcon Central

Mr Cool Pepper


Me & a Hottie!

Random booths of spicy goodness!


Woody - Thanks so much for the great pics!!!! It's a blast to see them and all of you having such a good time! And you're doing an awesome job of documenting!!!!! Keep it up!!!! Truly...it's a treat for some of us that couldn't make it this year...thanks for thinking of us all and sharing! :)

CH - Get to that kickin'! haha But give SL a big hug from us, will ya?! Okay, and Sicman too please! haha That'll confuse 'im - a kick AND a hug!
Cannot wait for tomorrow! Plan is....my mate is getting here at 8.30, said mate, my wife, son and I are heading towards Irving...stopping for breakfast on the way...getting to venue between 9.30 and 10. Nice!

No idea what time these shots were taken but last year when I was there (Sat around 3PM) I could not move! It was horribly packed. Good for vendors...terrible for me with a boy in stroller! The stroller is going this year too even though at 3 and a half the lad might not need it he's too big for me to carry around if he gets tired!
I was there today from 1-3:30pm. I took off on a Friday just so i didn't have to deal with that kind of crowd. Glad I did after you said it was THAT busy!

It was great to be able to stroll and ask Qs of vendors as I pleased. I took pics on my phone of all the goodies I was considering, then swung back by on the way out to buy the keepers =)
Yeah it was mental. I'm hoping for a somewhat quieter first hour or two....so definitly no Crazy Uncle Jester there this year?

By the way....what purchases were made? :fireball:
[sub]ZestFest Golden Chile Awards- not particularly in ordedr[/sub]








[sub]Salsalady and AlabamaJack- Texas Creek Chipotle BBQ sauce 2nd place- mustard-based BBQ sauces[/sub]

[sub]I had a GREAT time with the crazies at our table. [/sub]

[sub]More Later, gotta go right now and congratulate other winners-[/sub]

[sub]PS- woody3 I think there's a 10-image limit per post. Make another post with the rest of the pics! [/sub]

[sub]Be Back later~ [/sub]
[sub] :cheers:[/sub]
I posted something in the "welcome" thread... as I've only been a member for a few days, but was warmly welcomed. I won't repeat everything, but Salsalady, Sicman, Alabama Jack, Defcon Creator (and Ms Defcon) are good folks!
I met DrP~ today! thanks for stopping by!

WOW! Talk about the power of the www. He was at zestfest judging and met another THP member who told him about this site. So from the time he was judging to the time I met him, he joined THP. COOL! HUH!..
I met DrP~ today! thanks for stopping by!

WOW! Talk about the power of the www. He was at zestfest judging and met another THP memer who told him about this site. So from the time he was judging to the time I met him, he joined THP. COOL! HUH!..

It's cool, but "I got nothin'!". I grow peppers in my modest back yard and experiment with sauces. I'm a Chilehead.
I am really grateful to Bama for saying "check this site out". The knowledge within these pages is amazing. Like I said, I really have nothing to offer, except for QUESTIONS. And I hope to swing by on Saturday for ZF and purchase products from Salsalady and Defcon. I bought some choices early... from probably non-members... and maybe even THP villains! I don't know... I bought CaJohn's Happy Beaver... it's killer and, well, he won a Gold for it. I also liked that Zombie sauce from those Rastaferians "in costume". Salsalady, I love the idea of a high-end Worcestershire... and I'm guessing it's not your most proud product. But, it's still damn good. I'll need to sample your stuff again with a clean palate. As for Defcon, I will be buying the #2 I think. Although, I'm a massive fan of horseradish on cold cut sandwiches... so I'd like to check out the pony/horsey if they have it at the booth.

I'll be wearing my Sicman t-shirt on Saturday... I don't mind being a walking billboard... he's a cool guy and I appreciated the gift.
I'm yet to sample Defcon and Texas Creek products but tomorrow will fix that!

I've heard good things about CaJohns Happy Beaver sauce....how much does that cost at the show?

Cheers all!
Welcome to THP Dr Pacheco!

THP is about chiles and how you love them. It doesn't matter what your level of expertice, interest or anything else.

There are so many awesome sauces and dips and drinks and snacks at Zestfest....

it's kind of amazing to think that even though there are all these great sauces here at the festival...how many others are out there???