2016 plant out dates

I planted out some of my extras out in my parents big garden last week and have been able to keep everything else in the backyard since then.
This winter was so mild that we actually had a volunteer sweet pepper in the front flower bed survive all winter. Granted it's stunted and scraggly, but I am still pretty impressed! It's about 6" away from the wall, so I'm guessing the heat the bricks absorb during the day helped with that.
Sometime near mother's day here too, maybe a little before if the forecast is good. I'm about 40 minutes northwest of Nashville, TN.
Maligator said:
I thought it was going to be safe to plant out next week. But, like a lot of other people have mentioned so far, there have been wild fluctuations in temperatures the last few weeks. Has gone from mid 60s down to 23°f this morning.

Looks like I'm not gonna feel good about planting out until sometime end of April or 1st week of May. That's the plan anyways.

I've got a friend that is trying to convince me that I need to move to Dallas or San Antonio TX since it's a much more conducive pepper environment. I'm thinking about it ;)
dont know if you have ever spent much time in texas in the summer, but coming from up north, you just might change your mind when its 95 at 10 o'clock at night and 105 in the day :hot: 
Zone 5a, and I don't plant out till 5/15 or so, depending on weather.  I covered the beds with black tarp after I broad forked/turned the soil, so they will heat up but I can't chance a cold snap hurting the plants.  
I just finished my garden layout at my new house, and am almost done with irrigation. I will be 100% by the end of the weekend. My only worry is I started late, and lots are still very small.

Oh Pooler (Savannah) GA...
This year I am going to be overly-cautious and wait patiently for Derby day before even beginning to introduce my plants to the elements.  I will probably transplant them into their final homes as we approach June.  North Central Kentucky here!
I put mine out last week - Orange County, California
Probably could have done it earlier by almost a month, but I just didn't feel like it would have been consistently over 50 degrees at night. Which, it turned out that it was.
Nights have been in the 30s, but supposed to start going into the 40+ range. Daytime 70s. I just moved and started to harden off my plants this weekend. Probably plant out next weekend.
Albuquerque, NM
I planted out about 2 weeks ago here in Charleston SC.  Been getting up into the upper 60s/lower 70s on a regular basis and low 50s at night
Getting some of Jan and Feb peppers and tomatoes out this Friday and Saturday. Only got two Bhuts left in the germination tank. Shouldn't freeze here anymore but we're in for high wind and hail. Springtime in Wichita Kansas
I always hope for May 24 long weekend plant out.  Last year was really mild and I got the plants out a week early, the year before was really cold and I had to wait two weeks longer.
It was 8 deg F last night (-13 deg C) and snow is forecast for the next three days...
I have been putting them in the sun during the day and bring them in at nightfall. It is only a few degrees above freezing late at night still.
HOWEVER, There is a store-bought Cayenne that is sitting outside, and for experimental purposes I have a yellow congo seedling planted with some chives and another one with some basil that are sitting outside. They are the "super stunts" (super stunted) from the beginning of the year, that got left on a windowsill etc. Would be interesting to see how they do.
I *HOPE* to be able to plant them outside by the first 2 weeks of May but this is really hard to say.
I am in SE of England, UK.