KAOS said:
Here's a quick benchmark to measure against.
This pod is not a weigh in and I am still debating which plant to enter ....
TBG - Is the heaviest pod from competition plant or just in general (same as first to flower / fork / ripen / etc)
I think we can have it just general - if you have a pod that you think is a contender, then just weigh it and post here
A quick refresher on the competition(s):
- Most total pods harvested (Competition plant)
- Heaviest weigh in (figure it out at end of competition)
- Most pods in a single weigh in (same again)
- Heaviest average weigh in (and again)
- Heaviest pod (in general, as the competition rolls along)
- Quickest to fork
- Quickest to flower
- Quickest to harvest ripe pod
- Longest season (first picking to last picking)
I'm chucking all the results/harvests/tallies/etc. in a spreadsheet, so it will figure out the averages, highests, longests, etc.
All each competitor needs to do is post a picture of their harvests with date, weight and number of pods.