contest 2017 Inaugural Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown Aji Amarillo

Figured I haven't updated in a while, so might as well, although there's no significant progress.
The two plants, 55cm and 80cm.

Plant No.2 (smaller one) is starting to pod up.

No. 1 still has no flowers, but finally has some decent-looking buds. It's growing along very well though.
Here is a shot of the top of it, you can see where I decapitated it.

5 months and 18 days to go!
So would you guys say the Aji Amarillo is a slow growing pepper?  I plan to grow some. and wonder if I should start now.  This is the
time I start my chinense peppers.
roper2008 said:
So would you guys say the Aji Amarillo is a slow growing pepper?  I plan to grow some. and wonder if I should start now.  This is the
time I start my chinense peppers.
I think you could safely say that its slow growing, and especially slow ripening. Its taken 6 months + to go from sowing to ripe fruit. I'd say that the earlier you sow them, the better.
All The Best, TBG.
Here's a quick benchmark to measure against.
This pod is not a weigh in and I am still debating which plant to enter ....
TBG - Is the heaviest pod from competition plant or just in general (same as first to flower / fork / ripen / etc) 
KAOS said:
Here's a quick benchmark to measure against.
This pod is not a weigh in and I am still debating which plant to enter ....
TBG - Is the heaviest pod from competition plant or just in general (same as first to flower / fork / ripen / etc) 
I think we can have it just general - if you have a pod that you think is a contender, then just weigh it and post here
A quick refresher on the competition(s):
- Most total pods harvested (Competition plant)
- Heaviest weigh in (figure it out at end of competition)
- Most pods in a single weigh in (same again)
- Heaviest average weigh in (and again)
- Heaviest pod (in general, as the competition rolls along)
- Quickest to fork
- Quickest  to flower
- Quickest  to harvest ripe pod
- Longest season (first picking to last picking)
I'm chucking all the results/harvests/tallies/etc. in a spreadsheet, so it will figure out the averages, highests, longests, etc.
All each competitor needs to do is post a picture of their harvests with date, weight and number of pods.
6 months, 1 week and 1 day after germination Amarillo No. 1 finally has flowers!

Now I'm really torn between which plant to side with! Fortunately, by the time the pods on No. 2 ripen, I'll have a good idea of which will produce the most. Unfortunately, I'll have to decide on my Top Secret Masterplan long before then...
This is gonna be interesting!
I think this competition is gong to be a close one.
Great flower shot TBG.
Nice size pod there Drathag. Just for fun I'm going to ask if it's got colour yet ... for the next six weeks :rofl:
KAOS said:
I think this competition is gong to be a close one.
Great flower shot TBG.
Nice size pod there Drathag. Just for fun I'm going to ask if it's got colour yet ... for the next six weeks :rofl:
drathag said:
Beautiful shot TBG. I love the look of baccatum flowers.

Six weeks!?!? Aww man.....
Thanks and thanks!
Out of the 4 species of flowers I've got so far this season, the baccatums are definitely my favourite, there's just something about them that makes them look great!
Posted these pictures in the glog, but thought I'd chuck them in here for those who aren't following.
Amarillo No. 1 - I'm leaning towards it for my competition plant.

But No. 2 is the one with the pods (so far...)

No. 1 is now 950mm tall, or 2'2".
Ok another quick poddage update. Both plants are cranking them out.
Heres a shot of that first pod on the potted plant I posted a while ago, no colour yet but that's to b expected according to KAOS! I don't really know what kind of size to expect for these pods but it seems to be pretty big to me! Beer bottle for scale.

And here's some pods on the in ground plant.

And finally here's a bonus Ethiopian Brown Berbere I picked this morning. These things also take forever to ripen!

Both Aji Amarillos are producing well. I'm still not sure which one will be my official entrant!
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Posted these pictures in the glog, but thought I'd chuck them in here for those who aren't following.
Amarillo No. 1 - I'm leaning towards it for my competition plant.
But No. 2 is the one with the pods (so far...)
No. 1 is now 950mm tall, or 2'2".
Looking nice and healthy. It's game on now! We've got ourselves a competition! :-p
Plants look great drathag, with pods to match!
Surely you'll get some colour soon! At this rate, you'll give the kiwi's a good hiding! ;)
Speaking of which, haven't heard anything from the other side of the tasman for a while, must be some chaos brewing....