contest 2017 Inaugural Southern Hemisphere Growdown Throwdown Aji Amarillo

KAOS said:
No news my side - just a really tall plant with tons of flowers. Be lucky to have one ripe pod by competition end .
Good to hear! :rofl: nah, considering you're already pulling pods off the other plant, you'll have something fo' sure!
Just a small recap.
This year I decided to grow mainly Baccatums , 10 in total , witch of course included my Aji Amarillo  .I ordered seeds from the USA and started my germination. For starters I selected 2 of the strongest plants and put all my nutes, love and lights into those two . They turned out to Sugar rush peach or some other great peach Baccatum.
I had a lot of long red Baccatums growing and podding , so I had to wait for colour to see witch one is the Amarillo.
At this stage I realize that it is more likely my own chaotic germination and lack of organizing that caused all my problems.
Today I decided to cut back some of my more overgrown plants in my raised beds and I find this behind two huge Jalapeno plants. Hiding away and kept up by the surrounding plants.

Jalapeno plants on the left , Amarillo to the right. The Aji Amarillo was leaning onto the jalapenos , because of the amount of pods and I had to cage it a.s.a.p. to prevent it from falling over.

I decided to harvest to help the plant stay up . Still a lot of green pods.
This is my official entry and weight in.

This is in my raised beds . I will be removing all surrounding plants that might be competing with this plant! :party:
And Karoo takes the lead! :woohoo:
Karoo's Statistics:
Official Season Start: 19/01/2018 *
This Weigh In: 75:9 **
Running Total: 75:9
Great stuff, we're finally in business! 
:party: :dance: :onfire:
* For the purpose of the growdown, each competitor's season is the time from their first weigh in to their last weigh in.
** Weight (g): No. Pods
Thank you TBG , I have been dreaming of this a while.
​I had quite a roller coaster ride up till now  , with mislabled plants or seeds and overgrown grow areas.
​This plant was leaning heavily on the surrounding plants and as soon as I cut them back , and eventually removed them , it just toppled over . I built a brand new cage this morning and discovered even more pods .
​It stands about 150cm high, with a lot of help .
​I removed the surrounding 2 Jalapeno plants and 2 tomato plants.


New pods discovered this morning after proper caging and staking.
The pods are tasty and a great heat level for my taste , I would say hotter than Aji Lemon . Good heat in the skin/flesh , not just the placenta.


karoo said:
​It stands about 150cm high, with a lot of help .
New pods discovered this morning after proper caging and staking.
The pods are tasty and a great heat level for my taste , I would say hotter than Aji Lemon . Good heat in the skin/flesh , not just the placenta.
Definitely hotter than an Aji Lemon, Jacques.
That is one awesome plant - a real pod factory   :party:
Glad you found your entry Jacques ;)
My 2014 grow was a mess identification wise. Oh, I did a spreadsheet and all, but it was 180° off. Rather embarrassing when I posted pics of said plants, which I'd never grown before and they were all mixed up. And then was called on it...LOL
It's all good, they grew well!
Devv said:
My 2014 grow was a mess identification wise. Oh, I did a spreadsheet and all, but it was 180° off. Rather embarrassing when I posted pics of said plants, which I'd never grown before and they were all mixed up. And then was called on it...LOL
It's all good, they grew well!
Yeah, I've noticed the plants don't really care what the label says   :rofl:
Devv said:
Glad you found your entry Jacques ;)
My 2014 grow was a mess identification wise. Oh, I did a spreadsheet and all, but it was 180° off. Rather embarrassing when I posted pics of said plants, which I'd never grown before and they were all mixed up. And then was called on it...LOL
It's all good, they grew well!
PaulG said:
Yeah, I've noticed the plants don't really care what the label says   :rofl:
Thank you,
I think my Aji Amarillo did it's best growing without my help , hidden and anonymous.
35g , that is massive.!!!

Mine average 10g per pod.

There is obviously a big difference between the two types of Amarillo.

Can someone with more experience please shed some light on the difference between the smaller and larger types of Aji Amarillo.

Before I forget.
35 pods.

Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
Karoo: Running Total: 44:387
I think with the size variation, it may be the different sources. I know that KAOS and I both got ours from the same source (THSC), and a few of the others may have too. If they've been growing their own stock for years, and your supplier has been doing the same, then we can expect to see some variations. If you grow a particular variety year after year, from the seed of the year before (isolated), after a few years the pods that you have will be slightly different to the ones you started out with (sometimes). Now, if two people do this, with each getting a slight variation of their own, comparing the two you'll see a more significant difference, but still slight. I think this is the case with our Amarillos, and why the main growdown is now using seed from the one stock. I think it would be a good idea if we did the same next time around.
Then again, it could just be local conditions, hard to tell what it is really.
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Karoo: Running Total: 44:387
I think with the size variation, it may be the different sources. I know that KAOS and I both got ours from the same source (THSC), and a few of the others may have too. If they've been growing their own stock for years, and your supplier has been doing the same, then we can expect to see some variations. If you grow a particular variety year after year, from the seed of the year before (isolated), after a few years the pods that you have will be slightly different to the ones you started out with (sometimes). Now, if two people do this, with each getting a slight variation of their own, comparing the two you'll see a more significant difference, but still slight. I think this is the case with our Amarillos, and why the main growdown is now using seed from the one stock. I think it would be a good idea if we did the same next time around.
Then again, it could just be local conditions, hard to tell what it is really.
One seed supplier , so we should start thinking about the best pepper to grow.

Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
Yeah, if we get one of us to isolate enough seeds to cater for next season's growdown, then we'll need to be doing that asap. What sort of varieties are we thinking? 
I'd personally vote for something fast and prolific. 
KAOS said:
I vote Aji Cito.
I will have enough seeds to supply and they are well separated from the Amarillos.
Had a lot of fun growing these this year.
Thank you for your offer !
I am in .
Let's just say it's been educational .
 We learn something new in this world of peppers every week.
The USA vendor I received my seeds from , clearly show a photo of the very small pods that fits into the palm of a hand and says Aji Amarillo . Clearly not the case . I wish you guys the best of luck and I will keep growing and eating and saucing my orange pods , but not weighing them.
Pm me as soon as you have seeds to share of the Aji Cito.