Holy heck, what are you giving those plants?!?!?!?!
Either you're fast or I'm slow, coz that's not one day's difference in growth!
Thought I'd better update y'all, I transplanted the first one into a solo cup.
No feeding yet, that's probably why there's the difference in growth... I better figure out something fast.
On another note...
Paperwork wise, I have listed as having started:
KAOS - 21/6
drathag - 21/6
Powelly - 21/6
ThatBlondGuy101 - 22/6
If anyone else has started, or I messed up the dates, let me know
But there's some good looking stuff going on, I sense a very good competition!
I've also been pondering the prize side of things, and have a few things up my sleeve.... too bad they'll stay there when we finish
You know...... cause I'll win.......
not convinced?