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2019 Grow in Slovenia, europe

Greetings all!
This is my first thread and im planning to write about this year hot peppers grow in Slovenia, Europe. At the moment, we are in the middle of winter, temperatures reaching -15 degrees Celsius and i already started on seedlings for next year. Im planning to grow several different strains, specifics mentioned in the bottom. I will plant the strongest seedling of every strain in the pot, placing outside my house, where they will be getting almost full day of sun. the rest of them will be grown in my garden or smaller raised beds. So far, i have 5 strong seedlings of Tiger skin - purple pheno and 4 seedlings of carolina reaper, seeds for both were bought on ebay, so idont have any guarantee that plants are what are they suppost to be; in any case, i will grow it. The rest of the seeds i will put into soil in the middle of January. 
Posted pictures represent current state and seeds collection for this year.
Strains : 
-Carolina reaper (seeds from my friends and bought from ebay)
-Chocolate Habanero
-Numex suave orange
-Bhut jolokia ghost pepper
-Red cherry small
-Tiger skin (purple pheno; bought on ebay)
-Trinidad scorpion pepper Butch
+ unknowns strains


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Status update : My tiger skins are growing sttrong and nice, on a large window shelf, with others still germinating. This, what is suppost to be carolina reaper from ebay grows extremly slow. I know they are suppost to be slow, but that slow?


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CDNmatt said:
May be a good idea petrac..I could careless tbh but you may get some heat from others at some point.
Ok i changed it. I couldn't care less about what people think, actualy, i kinda like things that upsets people abit :) I hope this one is a bit better. I dont want to change this one.
RIP, National Socialist German Kittens' Party.  :cry:
Really, though, there is nothing I don't love about this. Regarding animals, I had success with smaller ones and my parents had success with deer by liberally applying cayenne pepper to the leaves and ground in our gardens. Clearly we were not hardcore enough, though, because your solution is massively more entertaining.
If anybody wants to make his own electric fence, I made this one and it works like a charm. The schematics was DL from internet, Plate layout was drawn by me. Unfortunatly i cant remmember exact source -.-


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Petrac said:
Status update : My tiger skins are growing sttrong and nice, on a large window shelf, with others still germinating. This, what is suppost to be carolina reaper from ebay grows extremly slow. I know they are suppost to be slow, but that slow?
I'd be more worried if they were growing quickly.  I've not heard of tiger skin as a variety of pepper but if it's the annuum species then yes, it will grow much more quickly than carolina reapers.  That's why a lot of growers start superhots quite a bit earlier than annuums.
I couldn't find any info on a "Tiger Skin" pepper either...found lots of info on a Chinese food dish witht he same name though....I am wondering if its actually the "Pimenta Pink Tiger" or something.  Its a Bhut cross with the Pimenta da Neyde.
Here is the Pink Tiger - http://mojopepper.blogspot.com/p/pimenta-pink-tiger-2013.html
And here is the Pimenta -http://fataliiphoto.net/index.php/chiles/c_chinense/pimenta_da_neyde_maturing3434
Think that's a purple type pepper you mentioned it was crossed with.
Perhaps, i trully dont know. Seeds were bought off ebay, so i'll count it as a win if i get some good hot peppers out of it.
Petrac said:
Perhaps, i trully dont know. Seeds were bought off ebay, so i'll count it as a win if i get some good hot peppers out of it.
Or I just did find this -  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Various-Seeds-Vegetable-Garden-Organic-Vegetable-Seeds-Plant-Garden-Bonsai-Decor/173529255499?hash=item2867264e4b:m:m6aVokzqpa45WhFuzItn25A:rk:1:pf:1&frcectupt=true                .....you gotta scroll down the list about 3/4s the way....picture though kinda looks like a peach ghost or something though...
Anyways I spose if you get either your doing ok . I just couldn't find any info via a search engine on it so just made me abit curious.
Yeah they look pretty cool eh.... But yeah its  hard to hold your breath on them growing out like that from an Asian seller but I really hope they do work out for ya they are pretty rad looking ..Maybe they are just a purple ghost pepper?. They seem to put alot of effort into the listing it seems..most times you will see a generic pic used over and over again...you may of got a nice score on these. Keep us updated eh.
Purple Ghost pics - https://www.google.com/search?q=purple+ghost+pepper&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6q7D-nubfAhVObKwKHZIwDz4QsAR6BAgBEAE&biw=1067&bih=713
CDNmatt said:
Yeah they look pretty cool eh.... But yeah its  hard to hold your breath on them growing out like that from an Asian seller but I really hope they do work out for ya they are pretty rad looking ..Maybe they are just a purple ghost pepper?. They seem to put alot of effort into the listing it seems..most times you will see a generic pic used over and over again...you may of got a nice score on these. Keep us updated eh.
Purple Ghost pics - https://www.google.com/search?q=purple+ghost+pepper&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6q7D-nubfAhVObKwKHZIwDz4QsAR6BAgBEAE&biw=1067&bih=713
Yea, i think it was not the same seller, but pictures were the same, and from asia. Even if they are just purple ghosts, or just some random purple hot peppers, ill be ok with it. Currently they are placed on window sill, facing west, but its quite warm and bright there, because they are above the radiator and they grow fast. they are a bit stretchy. They are going to be huge in May.....Carolinas on the other hand grow super duper slow..Others didnt even sprouted yet.
Plants look good. I've never grown in a window, but not enough light, or or light too far from the plants has caused them to stretch on me before.
Yes, if there is not enough light. they stretch. But its nothing to worry about, since they will be there untill May, when temperature outside will be high enough for them to survive. When i will transplant them, i will bury them deeper and everything will be OK.
Petrac said:
If anybody wants to make his own electric fence, I made this one and it works like a charm. The schematics was DL from internet, Plate layout was drawn by me. Unfortunatly i cant remmember exact source -.-

I wish I could make one of these. Here in the US it doesn't seem possible to get a decent fence charger anymore. They sell disposables. Now they can't even repair my old chargers that used to shoot a spark off the wire and burn weeds like there's no tomorrow. The joke charger I have now can only light up two out of five lights on a tester and barely glow a third light if it's dark enough when you look.
I made my first one in high school. I used coil from car ignition and it works great. I once saw rabbit run directly into the fence. it killed him in less than 10seconds. one of the best dinners i ever had. For next fence i will make coil myself so it will be even stronger. I will give it to my friend who needs to protect his bees from a local friendly but hungry bear. It sounds strange to me you cant get something like this is US...Probably not safety related since you can get weapons and other stuff so easy. Try to find local electrician and ask him to make one for you if you dont know how to do it yourself.