• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2019 Grow in Slovenia, europe

Greetings all!
This is my first thread and im planning to write about this year hot peppers grow in Slovenia, Europe. At the moment, we are in the middle of winter, temperatures reaching -15 degrees Celsius and i already started on seedlings for next year. Im planning to grow several different strains, specifics mentioned in the bottom. I will plant the strongest seedling of every strain in the pot, placing outside my house, where they will be getting almost full day of sun. the rest of them will be grown in my garden or smaller raised beds. So far, i have 5 strong seedlings of Tiger skin - purple pheno and 4 seedlings of carolina reaper, seeds for both were bought on ebay, so idont have any guarantee that plants are what are they suppost to be; in any case, i will grow it. The rest of the seeds i will put into soil in the middle of January. 
Posted pictures represent current state and seeds collection for this year.
Strains : 
-Carolina reaper (seeds from my friends and bought from ebay)
-Chocolate Habanero
-Numex suave orange
-Bhut jolokia ghost pepper
-Red cherry small
-Tiger skin (purple pheno; bought on ebay)
-Trinidad scorpion pepper Butch
+ unknowns strains


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PaulG said:
:welcome: to the THP 2019 season, Petrac! Those should produce
some nice heat for you for the cold Slovenian winters!
Hi, i trully hope so. I must confess, im not really a fan of super spicy peppers, since i cant stand that high ammount of heat, but i trully enjoy making sauces, jellys and drying them for a add-on to my daily lunches. it kinda makes me happier. I have some problems with warm days, since temperatures suitable for peppers are here only inbetween june and end of august, if its nothing abnormal. i hope i will manage to grow them properly and speciments in pots keep alive for a few seasons so i will have some nice bushes.
MarcV said:
Some serious heat you're going to grow!
trying to so i can make alot of sauce for me and my friends. The only thing i didnt found out yet is how to always make sauce with same taste and same amount of heat.
I'm thinking of making some (fermented) sauces also this coming season. Never did that before so I'm curious how it will turn out. Do you follow any particular recipes?
i never made fermented sauce. So far, i had always cooked them with vinegar, honey, garlic, red bell peppers and some onion and olive oil, sealed in jars and that is it. I dont follow any perticular recipe. Next season, if there will be enough peppers, i will experiment with fermented sauces, sauces with mangos, pineapples and maybe something else aswell. I also made olive oil infused with peppers..its getting hotter and hotter every week :)
We have high temperatures outside for this time of year, so i prepared one of raised beds for next year in the forrest.

On this site i will grow mostly unknown strains, a few tobacco plants and probably some other stuff.Yes, i know soil is a bit lumpy, but that is because its a bit frozen. In spring, i will break that lumps and soil will be first class. During the growing season is here direct sun from almost sunrise to sundown, only problem here will be protecting plants from wild animals. Deer, mices, rabbits and others are everywhere around here since this place is in the middle of nothing, and i cant affort to buy fences or other barriers like that. I need to figure out how to deal with that before its gonna be too late.
Today i also started my season'19 in full and put all seeds in pots to germinate.


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Glad to see you underway with your 2019 grow, Miha.
:cheers:  Here's to great germination success now
that you are starting in earnest.
The grow beds are nice. Hard to tell size from the
pic - maybe 2x2m? Yeah, animals will be a problem.
Don't know what to say about that. The mice and
rabbits will be tough on the young greens, but deer
can strip a plant in a matter of minutes. When is
hunting season   :lol:  ?
Good luck going forward...
PaulG said:
Glad to see you underway with your 2019 grow, Miha.
:cheers:  Here's to great germination success now
that you are starting in earnest.
The grow beds are nice. Hard to tell size from the
pic - maybe 2x2m? Yeah, animals will be a problem.
Don't know what to say about that. The mice and
rabbits will be tough on the young greens, but deer
can strip a plant in a matter of minutes. When is
hunting season   :lol:  ?
Good luck going forward...
You're right about the size. The one filled with soil is exactly 2x2m; second one is 3,7x2m. Hunting season is open here now, and there is alot of deers to shoot here, there is just so many of them. About the animals, I will just make an electric fence running on a car battery.
Happy new year to all of you, pepper lovers! I wish you all the best and gnarliest pods you can image!
Status update : Today it started to snow here, so i hurried up and filled second raised bed. Soil was took from my nearby field, where i grow beans and potatoes. Im thinking about adding some sand, becasue its kinda heavy, but it retains moisture very well. we never had to water anything that grows in that field. I tried to upload picture, but the file is abit too large, i'll add it when i crop it later.
My seedligs of tiger skin are growing fast and strong, almost too fast for my taste, since i cant plant them outside until beginning of May. My parents defenetly wont be pleased with my soon-to-be jungle in our house ;) Ill upload their pic, when i come back from college in a few days.


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Petrac said:
About the animals, I will just make an electric fence running on a car battery.
That's the ticket   :D
OMG  :rofl:  :rofl:  :seeya:
That is too funny, Miha.
I hope you're no worse for wear!
Can't grow many peppers if you
electrocute yourself!
One more thing. I probably wont manage to plant all this place since i will have plants in pots and behind my house in garden aswel. Do you recommend or have any suggestion what i plant in extra place?
Before I start following your glog, can I just check whether you are actually a nazi sympathiser?  The nazi kitten as your avatar is disturbing.  
Mitzi said:
Before I start following your glog, can I just check whether you are actually a nazi sympathiser?  The nazi kitten as your avatar is disturbing.  
It was not ment to be disturbing, it was just a random chosen picture from laptop entitled kittler..I might change it in near future.
Petrac said:
It was not ment to be disturbing, it was just a random chosen picture from laptop entitled kittler..I might change it in near future.

May be a good idea petrac..I could careless tbh but you may get some heat from others at some point.