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2024 Scottish Superhot trial ........

Hi Guy's

Here in Scotland we have .....let's face it.....shitty weather.... lots of cloud and often wet, cold summers 😞 however some of us have the chilli bug and feel compelled to grow these beautiful jewels of nature. Particularly when we were lucky enough to grow up in the middle East raised on spicy food and a Grand father born and raised in Kerala India in the 1920's spice is in my families very DNA 🙂

Spicey food has always played an important part in our family over the last few year's I've strived to find varieties that will grow in my particular wee Scottish greenhouse............ First was the Ring of fire cayenne which is a perfect substitute for Indian green chillies only hotter 😎 a ridiculous early tasty variety.

I've managed to find a couple of Scotch bonnet types that grow well in my wee Scottish greenhouse and taste superb 😋 I'm a happy boy.

However my search for a "superhot" that performs well in my wee Scottish greenhouse and tastes excellent continues........the Dorset Naga is pretty close and while I like the flavour and heat the aesthetics are lacking......to smooth and not gnarly enough !

My search continues...........in the past the only superhot I've grown are Dorset Naga and Bengle Naga both selections from seaspring seeds in Devon.....personally I find the "Bengle" naga which is infact a variation of bhut jolokia more aromatic, tasty and certainly more aesthetically pleasingly than the Dorset naga a variation of Naga Morich but not quite as hot but at 700,000 to 900,000 shu but not too shabby !

I highly recommend seaspring seeds "Bengle naga" a variety I see little mention of but highly rate in flavour, heat and aroma ❤ī¸

Anyway back to my 2024 superhot trial...........

Here in Scotland I find starting early best in heated propergater and I use a home made light box to stop seedlings going "Leggy" this season I believe I started my superhot seeds Approx 04/12/23

This season I used rock wool in a ice cube tray in a box in my propergater which I highly recommend as germination is very quickly observed and seedlings either put in soil of transferred to a kratky hydroponic set up less time wasted :thumbsup:


Light box does wonders to stop Leggy seedlings, I use a simply homemade set up a reptile bulb in a homemade set up 7 cm pot's of soil and a few mini kratky hydroponics.

Fast forward to March 2024 hydroponics seedlings plus soil seedlings have been in my light box, window ledge and transferred and hardened off into my unheated greenhouse and have been out there for approx a month being covered with x2 layers of horticultural fleece ( which i highly recommend) temps have been down to a bit less than 2 oC ! With no ill effects.


Dorset Naga in 5 litre kratky set up while I'm not huge fan of the aesthetics, my pods were very smooth the flavour and heat are excellent, this season I used the last of my original seeds in had from seaspring seeds hoping for my gnarly pod's than I had before......🤞


The "Bengle" naga (aka improved bhut jolokia ) very tasty, a smaller plant than my Dorset but hopefully it will catch up, delicious and much underestimated in my opinion 😋

Death spiral I have high hope's for this chilli pepper variety a strong healthy plant in 5 litre soil trial pot


Super bhut jolokia jw the weakest/smallest .......i may give this to a friend to grow on in their greenhouse to free up space plus I feel/think it's not going to be hot enough ......😙 just a big bhut


This was a Mustard Naga I grew last year from Black King Naga seed I'm not sure if its a variation or hybrid ? Very prolific hot and tasty........give it a go ........strong healthy plant


Fatallii gourmet jigsaw (:banghead: sh*t name) the last of my seed from Mr Fatallii himself hopefully more gnarly than last seasons which was damaged by aphids and not as gnarly as I've seen.


Devils Nagabrain red an F4 cross from Justin at White Hot peppers I've had alot of luck with Justin's seeds so will give this a fair go .................


Primotalii this plant is a month or more younger than the rest but has caught up nicely I have high hopes for this one .........🤞


Hurt berry apparently it's an early maturing variety.....? Hope so being a British variety I would hope so to make the most of our short cold wet season 🤞


My 7 pot primo seems to be a big hardy plant again I have high hope's ..........


My Trinidad moruga scorpion is also a big hardy plant no idea if I will like the flavour........


7 pot Barrackpore a big besty of a plant ..........Apparently big pod's and big heat ........


7 pot Brainstrain yellow another highly recommend variety I feel I must grow............

I'm pretty sure my 2024 superhot trial will find me a variety my grows well and tastes good in my wee Scottish greenhouse, last season the 7 pot Douglah blew me away with it's huge insanely hot pod's 😁 however I didn't like the after taste ...... 😭

☚ī¸ the search continues...............



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Hi Guy's

It's been a very long slow season..............poor light levels and temperatures to blame.

I reckon this season for is about 4 to 6 weeks behind last year ! :shocked: ☚ī¸ but everything's growing even though temps in the greenhouse at night now are down to 5 oC to 8oC some nights it's staying in the teens.

Ripening is soooo sloooow.......................

This morning I started picking...................


My 7 Pot Primo rather disappointing pheno is all over and very smooth pods (poor light ? Or low temps ? ) still lots of pod's on the plant and I haven't tasted ..........


7 Pot Barrackpore over all alot less pod's still on the plant one lovely big pod's but on the hole small pod's............


Trinidad moruga scorpion seems a pretty tough character still tons of pod's on the plant best overall average size and probably the most consistent phenotype, although my Death Spiral are extremely alike but I'm only seeing the first "blush" of colour change this morning.

I shall let all my chillies fully ripen on a tray before trying / freezing and then evaluate the heat / flavour.

At present the Trinidad moruga scorpion is looking like a keeper for me I've tried dried pod's before and know I like them .

This in turn leads me to start pondering 2025 grow ! đŸ˜ĩ‍đŸ’Ģ
If you want to speed up ripening, you can take a plant inside for a couple of days. Makes a lot of difference in my experience, pods that were about to start ripening will suddenly ripen...
@Englander something I wanted to share that is completely anecdotal but may be worthwhile for your consideration since you talked about growing C. pubescens in another thread: this week it's been rainy and cool here. No sunshine at all, evening temps down about 12 degrees C and highs barely above 20 degrees C. My Rocoto de Seda has really boomed this week, setting well over 20 fruits per plant, where the other two types that I'm growing slowed down production. Again this is anecdotal and could just be the maturity of the plant, but the weather definitely hasn't affected anything as far as I can see. I'm bagging seeds for the de Seda, let's talk more later if you decide you want to add them to your rotation.