$25k per kilo, most expensive pepper in the world

Scoville DeVille said:
That's a contradiction. You're adding MORE capsaicin.
Eat 1 jalapeño at one time. = Hot.
Eat 2 jalapeños at one time. = Twice as hot. (2X the capsaicin)
Actually not Twice as hot but Twice the amount of the same Hotness !!
JDFan said:
Yes the Chile will be hotter - But the Chili will never be hotter than the single hottest pepper you are adding to the pot on it's own !! (even if the Chile became 100% pepper it can't suddenly multiply in heat because there are 10 or 100 peppers because there is also 10 or 100 times the mass of pepper so 1 gram of 50,000 SHU pepper is still the same SHU as 100 grams of the same pepper -
I believe they are talking about the total amount of cap rather than the concentration.

But even so the concentration can change because it is coooking. So they can cook off the water thereby decreasing the overall mass and increase the concentration.

Otherwise you wouldn't have things like http://www.hotsauce.com/mobile/Product.aspx?id=1612

7.1 million Scoville extract, the hottest single pepper hasn't reached 7.1 million yet
BurnTtongue said:
I believe they are talking about the total amount of cap rather than the concentration.

But even so the concentration can change because it is coooking. So they can cook off the water thereby decreasing the overall mass and increase the concentration.

Otherwise you wouldn't have things like http://www.hotsauce.com/mobile/Product.aspx?id=1612

7.1 million Scoville extract, the hottest single pepper hasn't reached 7.1 million yet
But along the same lines then you're saying if you take a 16mil pure cap and add a 7.1 mil cap to it - you would get a 23.1 mil cap ??? - You can't get above the pure cap SHU so it is not cumulative ! ( if you add more pure cap to a mixture the mixture will get hotter but it can never get hotter than the pure cap it can only get closer to the level of pure cap -- so adding more habanero's to a mixture where habanero's are the hottest ingredient will never get hotter than pure habanero. 
Eat 10 moruga-chili, report back. ;)
No one is saying you are making one pepper hotter. But you add more, it's hotter. You drink more, you get drunker. There is more alcohol by volume. Not changing what's in the bottle of Jack. No one is saying that. You are consuming more cap/alcohol. Forget numbers and abbreviations. Just use your physical senses.
The Hot Pepper said:
No one is saying you are making one pepper hotter. But you add more, it's hotter. You drink more, you get drunker. There is more alcohol by volume. Not changing what's in the bottle of Jack. No one is saying that. You are consuming more cap/alcohol. Forget numbers and abbreviations. Just use your physical senses.
But what Charles was trying to say was that a bowl of Habanero Curry can never be hotter than a bowl of habanero -- Heat units do not multiply with the amount of pepper added to a mixture past the amount of pure ingredient added. -- sure if you eat 2 bowls you get more cap but the mixture is not hotter you are just getting more of the same heat not double the heat.
Of course adding more cap makes it hotter. The pepper is just the vehicle, all peppers have the same cap in them.
JDFan said:
sure if you eat 2 bowls you get more cap but the mixture is not hotter you are just getting more of the same heat not double the heat.
More of "the same" heat? We are not talking about eating pure cap here. You are saying, if you add sugar to sugar it is the same sweetness. Yes. We are saying, if you add more sugar to the chili it is sweeter. Get it now?
The Hot Pepper said:
Of course adding more cap makes it hotter. The pepper is just the vehicle, all peppers have the same cap in them.
More of "the same" heat? We are not talking pure cap here. You are saying, if you add sugar to sugar it is the same sweetness. Yes. We are saying, if you add more sugar to the chili it is sweeter. Get it now?
I get that but what was being said is that no matter how much sugar you add it cant get sweeter than pure sugar - the sweetness does not multiply to an amount of sweetness greater than the sugar being added ! :cheers:
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Why are you driving me to drink so early!
I need a beer break.

JDFan said:
I get that but what was being said is that no matter how much sugar you add it cant get sweeter than pure sugar - the sweetness does not multiply to an amount of sweetness greater than the sugar being added ! :cheers:
That only makes sense if eating pure sugar or pure cap. Otherwise it can always be hotter (sweeter).
I see what you are trying to say JD but you are stuck on a single pepper. We aren't talking about pure cap. We are talking about more and more cap. Which is hotter, a bowl of Chili with 1 Cayenne, or a bowl of Chili with 25 Jalapeños? Which one has more capcaisin it? Each pepper has the same chemical make-up of capsaicin. We know this.
Just for talk, say 1 Jalapeño has 1 gram of cap and a Habanero has 10 grams of cap. That said, 11 Jalapeños would be hotter than 1 Habanero. Therefor making a hotter bowl of Chili and much hotter than the single jalapeño because you have just added 10X the capsaicin.
Boss's Jack Daniels example says it all. More shots = more alcohol consumed even though it all remains 80 proof.
Everyone's stuck on numbers and ratings, I'm gonna forget all that and just know that it is hotter by tasting (by adding cap whether by a dropper or a pepper). I can't carry this on longer my head hurts. :D
Add to that we are all probably right and wrong with some analogies, etc. here. But one thing we know is it gets hotter.
Me too boss, I just know when I make my Molé to add no more than 5 Habaneros. 2 isn't enough and any more than that, the sweet/heat balance is disrupted.
SHU = let's all Shut the Hell Up and just eat peppers. :lol:
What you guys need to understand is you cant go beyond the pepper threshold. 
Adding 5 naga to a chili bowl is definitely hotter than 1 naga because the capsaicin ratio to food is bigger but you cant go beyond naga heat level.
Let take the exemple of a pepper mash..
You make a small batch of carolina reaper mash with 10 pods and nothing else
Now let make a big batch of carolina reaper with mash 1000 pods and nothing else
The batch with 1000 pods have more capsaicin but will taste the same and have the same amount of capsaicin per spoon you take. 
charlesquik said:
you cant go beyond naga heat level.
Why not? Capsaicin is capsaicin. Whether it's from a Jalapeño or a Reaper. Sooner or later you end up with almost pure capsaicin.
Isn't 10 Jalapeños hotter than just 1? yes.
charlesquik said:
Adding 5 naga to a chili bowl is definitely hotter than 1 naga because the capsaicin ratio to food is bigger
Exactly true. and yes, you just went 5X beyond the Naga level.
Mash one up and eat it. Then mash 10 up and eat that. 10X the Naga level.