smoking 27.4lb brisket on 18" WSM

I asked Harry Soo what the biggest brisket was that he's cooked on an 18.5" WSM.  The 27.4lb brisket on the grate photo is confusing to me.  I thought maybe the point had been separated from the flat, but, no.  He said, "not separated, just arranged sideways."  Maybe someone can explain...
Well, crap.  I can't figure out how to get the photos from my email to the forum.  Any help?  I'll be back after I get some help.  Sorry.
   Damn Jim,thats a big-ass piece of meat.I bought a 14lbr last week at 4.69$ a lb.Yours would have topped 128$.And I do separate the point if it dont fit.Put the Flat below the point to catch drippings.And below that dont forget your pan of beans that need some drippings for a couple hours.Enjoy buddy.
Man that's a lot of beef! Ok I'm just going to ask. What does WSM stand for. Every time I see it here I think Winchester Short Magnum. Which I use to get the meat. 
SL3 said:
Man that's a lot of beef! Ok I'm just going to ask. What does WSM stand for. Every time I see it here I think Winchester Short Magnum. Which I use to get the meat. 
Weber Smokey Mountain
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romy6 said:
 I just barely put a 11 1/2 pound brisket on mine  this morning . He must have a short but fat ass cut . 
IMG_4435.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
  That looks good Jamie.I used the traditional Cracked Black Pepper and Sea Salt on mine a couple weeks ago.Whats on the one in your pic?
How is it a stab in the dark when you can see the rub? :lol:
Roguejim said:
Thanks.  I wasn't sure what Harry meant by it being "arranged sideways".  It almost looks like another brisket entirely to me.
I was wrong, I looked more closely ...
I've always had to separate my point & flat to fit a big one on my 22.5" kettle ...
What he's done there is get in there and resected out the fat between the point and the flat, and he's left enough of the beef intact that he's slid the point out sideways and has the brisket splayed out kind of like a reverse-Z-plasty w/ the flat on top of the point ..
I think we mostly butcher packer's w/ the point on top, but in this case, he's got in flipped over on the grate ...
I just detach it and roll w/ double decker using the hover-grill ...
I think the hover-grill is money well spent.
"all fat off the point. cook fat cap down with point twisted sideways to fit"
The Hot Pepper said:
"all fat off the point. cook fat cap down with point twisted sideways to fit"
"What he's done there is get in there and resected out the fat between the point and the flat, and he's left enough of the beef intact that he's slid the point out sideways and has the brisket splayed out kind of like a reverse-Z-plasty w/ the flat on top of the point."
Same. I did good =)
WTF?? Its photochopped and it still doesn't fit! It looks like its hanging 6" out of the smoker on the upper left.
What is wrong with you people? :rofl:  :rofl:
FGpepperguy said:
I had a WSM and loved it.  Tending to it was sort of a pain so I got lazy when I was gifted a Traeger.
That is odd I have had mine going for 10 hours and haven't had to do anything but shut one vent . Too easy