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2nd batch done

Well I just bottled my second batch of hot sauce this weekend. The only problem is that it looks like it is separating. How do get it not to separate? Don't get me wrong it still taste good, but my first batch didn't separate. In this batch I used different vinegars could this be the problem?
I hear that xanthan gum will go a ways in preventing separation, but I've never felt the need to use it. Next time try using a bit less vinegar...and just shake the bottle/jar before using.

LOTS of big-name sauces will separate while sitting. It's no biggie as long as the taste is good!
Thanks paul. I probably did put too much vinegar in it, since I only had a few peppers I added a little more vinegar so I could fill enough bottles.

You are quite welcome. There are a TON of award-winning sauce makers that frequent this site. They're always willing to help out if you have questions or concerns.

Make good use of their knowledge.
