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2nd round of sprouts is much better.

Well, my second round of germination has come out much better. Of the seeds planted in rockwool cubes, the below ratios have spouted so far. This is in a germination container with a heating mat. All of them were planted the same day; July 3rd.

Most of the sprouts have just started showing the second set of leaves.

I now have:

7-Pot 2 of 4

Red Sevina 4 of 4

White Bullet 5 of 6

Scorpion 2 of 5

Chocolate Hab 3 of 6

Fatalli 0 of 6 (Maybe later...)

These plants will be grown indoors under fluorescents and used for clones this coming spring. I'm hoping to get 10 clones minimum from each plant.

I'll be using a 20 location American Agritech Clone Machine. This thing is the best way to clone I've ever seen.

By spring planting, I hope to have at least 100 plants ready, rooted and growing well.

I really hope the Fatallis germinate. Do they usually take longer than others?
well I hope everything works out for ya with the cloning & you get many chile pods next season. & yes you have some very hots you're growing.
:lol: @ nat....good going man...if you are in the northern hemisphere and already starting for next year great...just be careful of the aphids and spider mites...I sure hope you have a large grow area...
AlabamaJack said:
:lol: @ nat....good going man...if you are in the northern hemisphere and already starting for next year great...just be careful of the aphids and spider mites...I sure hope you have a large grow area...

Hey AJ, thanks man. (For the laugh too).

I'm in Northern Florida. More bugs than you can shake a stick at.

The plants I put outside this year have been decimated by birds and bugs. The Datils are the only ones untouched. I guess they don't like em.

I'm working on an outside hydro unit for them that will also be screened in. The wind we get here should pollinate well, we'll see.

I have an acre to grow on....if I can get mine even CLOSE to what you've done, I'll sing praise hallelujah to the heavens.
Good selection you have there like you say this year some seeds germinate some not I had reseeds in April again this year most of my plants they are second hand but I can't complain they take of now I had all kind problems this year weater, animals bugs & birds but after all that commotion I will have decent harvest by and of September I also start-up my seeds in rockwool cubes hope you have great season.
Nat...I am trying to figure where you are...north florida is a big area and I grew up in Pcola and know the panhandle pretty well...you say you are off the grid...do you live in the apalachicola basin?
AlabamaJack said:
Nat...I am trying to figure where you are...north florida is a big area and I grew up in Pcola and know the panhandle pretty well...you say you are off the grid...do you live in the Apalachicola basin?

I guess you could call my area Southern Northern Florida...:lol:

I'm just south of Jacksonville, in-between 9 mile swamp and 6 mile swamp. US 1 is my nearest road. I'm in the sticks with the gators. Most folks try to stay out of places like I live. I like that.

If you look on a map that shows the swamps, I'm in that really huge one between Orange Park and St. Augustine, off to the west, just short of the river.

I've got an acre fenced in high and dry, (well, most of the time).

Nature rules here. Man is secondary. I like that too.
NatGreenMeds said:
I guess you could call my area Southern Northern Florida...:lol:

I'm just south of Jacksonville, in-between 9 mile swamp and 6 mile swamp. US 1 is my nearest road. I'm in the sticks with the gators. Most folks try to stay out of places like I live. I like that.

If you look on a map that shows the swamps, I'm in that really huge one between Orange Park and St. Augustine, off to the west, just short of the river.

I've got an acre fenced in high and dry, (well, most of the time).

Nature rules here. Man is secondary. I like that too.

sounds like a garden of eden to me...I was a game warden down in the big cypress swamp back in the early 80s till I figured out 15K a year wasn't worth getting killed over...I have never ran the area you are in but some of my cousins that live in Jville may have hunting and fishing...
NatGreenMeds said:
Well, my second round of germination has come out much better. Of the seeds planted in rockwool cubes, the below ratios have spouted so far. This is in a germination container with a heating mat. All of them were planted the same day; July 3rd.

Most of the sprouts have just started showing the second set of leaves.

I now have:

7-Pot 2 of 4

Red Sevina 4 of 4

White Bullet 5 of 6

Scorpion 2 of 5

Chocolate Hab 3 of 6

Fatalli 0 of 6 (Maybe later...)

These plants will be grown indoors under fluorescents and used for clones this coming spring. I'm hoping to get 10 clones minimum from each plant.

I'll be using a 20 location American Agritech Clone Machine. This thing is the best way to clone I've ever seen.

By spring planting, I hope to have at least 100 plants ready, rooted and growing well.

I really hope the Fatallis germinate. Do they usually take longer than others?

ye some of the c.chinese are slow starters..Fatallis grow pretty quick afterwards and are so worth the trouble :)
AlabamaJack said:
sounds like a garden of eden to me...I was a game warden down in the big cypress swamp back in the early 80s till I figured out 15K a year wasn't worth getting killed over...I have never ran the area you are in but some of my cousins that live in Jville may have hunting and fishing...
I hear ya man. It is beautiful. As long as you keep your head in gear, it's as safe as can be. The gators only mess with you if you get stupid and of course you know about cottons and rattlers.

Ran into a panther a few years back. She and I scared the hell out of each other.

The only thing I don't like about the area is the damn bugs. Can't get away from them. They eat anything that's green unless you screen it or douse it with a gallon of bug spray.

I'm starting an outdoor, screened in hydro unit this weekend. I'll let you know how it turns out. It seems to be the only way I'll ever get peppers to grow to fruit except for my datils.
talas said:
ye some of the c.chinese are slow starters..Fatallis grow pretty quick afterwards and are so worth the trouble :)

Thanks for the support talas. My sprouts have increased some. A few more Choc Habs, a couple more White Bullets. One more Scorpion and two more 7-pot.

My artichoke hybrid sprouted too.

The Fatalli's are just sitting there......I've treated them exactly the same as the others that have spouted, so I guess it's just taking longer.
talas said:
are sweet artichokes to got nice balanced garden there Nat..some intresting meals i bet :)

The artichokes are something I've always bought. I thought I would see how they grow and put bushes in the corners of my yard in the hard-to-mow spots.
NatGreenMeds said:
The artichokes are something I've always bought. I thought I would see how they grow and put bushes in the corners of my yard in the hard-to-mow spots.

Definetly something for 2009 grow list artichokes and egg plants never grown them before so should be fun..gonna add some okra to as everyone raves about it,yes ive had problems putting a few of my veg`s a bit near to the edge of my grass..my lettuce and carrots got trimmed a number of times :lol:
talas said:
Definetly something for 2009 grow list artichokes and egg plants never grown them before so should be fun..gonna add some okra to as everyone raves about it,yes ive had problems putting a few of my veg`s a bit near to the edge of my grass..my lettuce and carrots got trimmed a number of times :lol:

I love eggplant too. Here's a good one for you; Get a spaghetti squash and cook it up. While it's baking, fry up some eggplant, vidalia onions, green peppers and whatever else you like that's soft and can mix in well into a tomato based thick sauce.

Boil your sauce up good until it's nice and mixed and well cooked.

Pull the "spaghetti" out of the squash with a fork and cover it with your sauce and some Parmesan cheese.

Sprinkle some diced hot peppers over the top with a little cheddar and nuke it just until the cheddar melts.

Serious Yum.

And it's not bad for you. Your taste-buds and your body will love you.

Have an artichoke with a soy-mayo and butter mix as a dip with some more diced peppers in it as your salad.
From July 3rd to Aug 17th, but finally a Fatalii seed sprouted. I put 6 seeds in, so maybe the others will sprout also. 46 days. Is that normal for Fatalii seeds?

I used a germination chamber and heating mat with rockwool cubes. It seemed like a lot more than 46 days...

Why use a heating mat when you are in Florida? I would think the temps would be high enough not to need one, unless you really chill your rooms with AC!

The lady I buy my hydro and lights from toms and cukes outdoors this year in hydro. They did quite well. The major problems are the pH and water levels, due to rain. But keep me informed on how you get on. I want to use part of my dead space next year for hydro, using a 5-gallon bucket for each plant. Would like to try a tom, cuke, hot pepper and eggplant, maybe more depending on how cheap I can build each system. If I can find the buckets, I figure maybe $5-6 per site. But it would be neat that come October, I can pick my crops up and bring them insides.

wordwiz said:

Why use a heating mat when you are in Florida? I would think the temps would be high enough not to need one, unless you really chill your rooms with AC!


I keep my house at about 76-78 degrees. I've read that 80-85 is the best temp to germinate hot pepper seeds for the fastest sprouting.

If that's true, then the mat keeps the germination chamber at a better temperature than what I set my thermostat to.

Am I on the wrong track?

In one of the sources I've read, the spouting days have a pretty radical difference between the 70's to 85-90 F temps with the warmer temps being the shortest germination time. I could probably find the information again if you really want to know the exact place I found it. I know the places I've been, I just don't remember which of them the information was on.

Nah, not that important. If anything, it may be a guide to help me this winter, since upstairs it only gets into the upper 60s, very low 70s. In my germinator I use a water bed heater that keeps the temps at 86 degrees.

TBO, I'm far more interested in how you may set up your hydro system. :cool:
