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2nd Year Grower...but, really my first.

Hey all,

I'm pretty new to pepper growing. Last year I planted a Serrano, two Early Jalapenos, and bought a young Orange Hab. This year....i'm addicted. I've already had to put a stop on buying seeds because I've bought too many for the space we have. Our growing list is as follows:

Bell Peppers:

Ace Sweet Bell Pepper (Red) (capsicum annuum)

Sweet Chocolate Bell (capsicum annuum)

Orange Sweet Bell (capsicum annuum)

Hot! Peppers:

Cayenne Chile (capsicum annuum)

Goat's Weed Pepper (capsicum annuum)

Jalapeno Goliath Pepper (capsicum annuum) (F1)

Serrano Pepper (capsicum annuum)

Tepin Pepper (capsicum annuum)

Tobasco Pepper (capsicum annuum)

Bhut Jolokia Pepper (capsicum chinese)

Devil's Tongue Pepper (capsicum chinese)

Habanero (Orange) Pepper (capsicum chinese)

Jamaican Hot Chocolate Pepper (capsicum chinese)

Trinadad Scorpion Pepper (capsicum chinese)

Zimbabwe Bird Pepper (capsicum frutescens)

Manzano Pepper Red (capsicum pubescens)

I didn't realize it until later that some are hybrids (Ace Sweet Bell Pepper, Orange Sweet Bell, and Jalapeno Goliath). Boooo. I like the idea of continually growing what I've sown the year before. But, I'll give them a shot anyhow...even with all that I've read about hybrids.

Any who, back to the point of this thread. The following are ones from above that I've sown already and have sprouted.

#5 Trinidad Scorpion

#7 Goat's Weed

#9 Serranos


From the angle below, I'm not sure which is which. But they are the same plants, just a little older.


This little guy just sprouted recently. A Devil's Tongue. Woot! In the lower left is an unrelated plant to this forum, a Meyer's Lemon Tree. :)


This guy here is from Five Guys Hamburgers. :) I really liked the taste of their Jalapenos, so I took a few seeds and began growing it. I don't know if it's a hybrid, though logic would dictate it most likely would be. I asked the company who grew their Jalapenos and they said it was Cross Valley Farms.


So, I have two questions. One related to a couple of the photos above, and some on other seeds I am attempting to germinate.

1. The seedlings above look awfully leggy to me. I don't have a light set up, because I fear the cost of putting one together and the cost of running the lights all the time. So, I put them out on the sill for the day. Then in the evening, I put them under some fluorescent. I think they are pretty low luminescence. At night, I put them on my heat matt....and rinse and repeat. Are lights expensive to set up and run?

2. For my other seeds, I have switched to trying to germinate them using the paper towel method. I put a damp paper towel in a plastic cup and, after soaking, put the seeds in there. I think its been about two weeks and I'm not seeing much. Here are my results.
  • Bhut Jolokia - Nothing. Though, it almost looks like the base of the seed is opened.
  • Zimbabwe Bird Pepper - Woot! A small tap root has emerged.
  • Tepin - Notta.
  • Jamaican Hot Chocolate - Woot, both seeds sprouted and have small seedling leaves.
  • Red Manzano - Had some sprout in soil and died. In the paper towel, nothing yet. Like the Jolokia, looks like the seed is opened..no root.
I have these all placed on a heat mat. Yesterday I began thinking that they may not be getting warm enough. We keep our house at about 70 - 72F. The mats say they can boost the temp from 10 to 20F. So, if I take the low end of both, that is only 80F. Just below optimal, from what I've read. Yesterday I began draping a dish towel over them to see if I could boost the temp....so, we'll see.

Does this seem likely? Or, am I doing something else wrong?

Thanks all for listening to my yappin', and I appreciate any suggestions or help. :)

Take care.
Plants need good light! You can go the cheap route and buy a florecent grow light at Walmart that puts out atleast 1,200 lumens@ 6500K. If you put one or two in a desk lamp and keep close to your plants you will be fine. As for the paper towel method, the super hots temp needs to be 80-85 degrees. keep towel moist but not soaked. Keep the baggy opened a bit to let air in. I prefer Jiffy pellets myself.
Just like Mega said, you need to supplement with lights. Can it be done without? Sure, but you will thank yourself in the long run by giving your babies as much support as possible. Is it expensive to run? Can be. You can spend a couple hundred on lights and such, and then a few extra bucks to run them a month, or you can go pickup a few CFLs and stick them on em. It looks like you have a bigger list than one of these and two of those, so an initial investment on a nice T5 setup may last years and pay dividends. To calculate cost per month, use this wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 x price per kWh= cost of electricity

This will give you a pretty good idea.

First of all welcome. You do exist and now have a post count! You also have a nice selection of seeds to grow--heat levels and flavors across the board. That jalapeno is epic! You've got the touch, roll with it.

+1 what Megahot and MGold said. Need light! You can get a $12 shop light (4 foot, T8 size) at Fred Meyers. Some good bulbs I found at Home Depot (6500K) $7 pair. Cost of running is 32-watts per bulb x 2. Total running cost is similar to most regular lamps you use in the house, probably won't notice it.

You have a 'grow window', rig up a shelf of some type next to it with your light to supplement. You will be on your way.

Next I would get a small fan to blow the seedling around a bit. (Hit 2nd hand store for cheap oscillating fan.) Fan wind will get the stems thickened for ya, less tendency to go leggy.

Good luck... :cool:
Just like Mega said, you need to supplement with lights. Can it be done without? Sure, but you will thank yourself in the long run by giving your babies as much support as possible. Is it expensive to run? Can be. You can spend a couple hundred on lights and such, and then a few extra bucks to run them a month, or you can go pickup a few CFLs and stick them on em. It looks like you have a bigger list than one of these and two of those, so an initial investment on a nice T5 setup may last years and pay dividends. To calculate cost per month, use this wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 x price per kWh= cost of electricity

This will give you a pretty good idea.

Thanks Matt. Ok, so if I'm going to have between 15 to 20 plants how many lights do I need and at what wattage (so I can calculate)? Do you have any links to another thread or outside source for putting together a cheap setup?

Thanks for the help. :)

:welcome: and looks like you have a awesome grow going.
Thanks Sicman, appreciate it! :)

Plants need good light! You can go the cheap route and buy a florecent grow light at Walmart that puts out atleast 1,200 lumens@ 6500K. If you put one or two in a desk lamp and keep close to your plants you will be fine. As for the paper towel method, the super hots temp needs to be 80-85 degrees. keep towel moist but not soaked. Keep the baggy opened a bit to let air in. I prefer Jiffy pellets myself.
Thanks megahot, appreciate the suggestions.

First of all welcome. You do exist and now have a post count! You also have a nice selection of seeds to grow--heat levels and flavors across the board. That jalapeno is epic! You've got the touch, roll with it.

+1 what Megahot and MGold said. Need light! You can get a $12 shop light (4 foot, T8 size) at Fred Meyers. Some good bulbs I found at Home Depot (6500K) $7 pair. Cost of running is 32-watts per bulb x 2. Total running cost is similar to most regular lamps you use in the house, probably won't notice it.

You have a 'grow window', rig up a shelf of some type next to it with your light to supplement. You will be on your way.

Next I would get a small fan to blow the seedling around a bit. (Hit 2nd hand store for cheap oscillating fan.) Fan wind will get the stems thickened for ya, less tendency to go leggy.

Good luck... :cool:

Thanks Siliman, appreciate it! :)

Ok, so basically a standard shop light. That sounds reasonable. The bulbs are 6500k at $7. Are those considered standard fluorescent's? PG&E (energy company) has a calculator. So, I punched in two standard fluorescent's at 31-35 each (only option in range), with a running time of 16 hours a day. Results are $51 a year, or $4.25 a month. Man, that IS cheap! Is 16 hours correct?

So, the leggy part of the plant. Does that come from lack of close light? Or lack of wind across them? I mean, I've seen some beautiful plants here on the forums where they are only a few inches out of the dirt and they already have a bushy base with multiple branches.

Thanks for the help!
I think most of those calcs and obs are correct. My Idaho cost for that much energy for 32-watt T8 2-bulb is closer to $2/month, so given Cal rates, sounds good. Keep in mind, this is just for a starter setup on a window sill. More lights is better and varies grow by grow.

Regarding your germ rate in the cups,slow could be due to seed age, their species, the temp. Keep the moisture up and they should germinate.

P.S. Make sure to use a cheap thermometer for use in various areas around your grow. Priceless....and document everything for us and for yourself next year.... :cool:
I think most of those calcs and obs are correct. My Idaho cost for that much energy for 32-watt T8 2-bulb is closer to $2/month, so given Cal rates, sounds good. Keep in mind, this is just for a starter setup on a window sill. More lights is better and varies grow by grow.

Regarding your germ rate in the cups,slow could be due to seed age, their species, the temp. Keep the moisture up and they should germinate.

P.S. Make sure to use a cheap thermometer for use in various areas around your grow. Priceless....and document everything for us and for yourself next year.... :cool:

Thanks again, Siliman. I'm thinking two shop lights running for 16 hours....plus a fan. Not sure on that cost. :)

I'm not sure on the seed age. Most were bought from Trade Winds Fruit about 3 to 4 months ago.

Just in case anyone else is looking for a cheap setup, I'm showing my work based on Siliman's suggestions below.

48in. Shop Light @ $15.00

T8 Fluourescent 48in. Bulbs 6500k @ $7.99

I'm not sure if I would need to one shop light or two. But here are my calculations for one and two both below.

1 x Shop light = $15.00
2 x T8 Bulbs = $7.99

Total: $25 (rounded with tax)

Running 2 lights for 16 hours a day = $51 per year OR $4.25 per month.

For four: $52 (rounded with tax)

Running 4 lights for 16 hours a day = $103 per year OR $8.58 per month.

I figure I will only need them for about three to four months max. So my total approximate costs for both would be:

1 shop light : $42
2 shop lights : $86.32
It seems as though most of your questions have been answered. I would suggest for you to insulate your propagation mats. You will find them to run more efficient and regulate the temps much better that way. I used the plastic deli cup method last season on 500 supers…worked like a charm!!

Superhot, thanks for the info. Do you mean put a towel or something under them to trap the heat too?

Another question, if I set up this grow light thing. I'd have to put in our garage. I'm not sure about the temps out there, but it's insulated. Our nights get between 30F - 45F at night. I'm sure the garage would be warm enough they wouldn't die. But, do the plants need heat to continue to grow? Or will the lights I pasted above be good enough for them to grow?


Looks like you got your answers for the size, quantity, and cost for the light. I was in the same dilemma as you were, cold garage grow. Here is my thread that talks through that whole scenario. http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/24406-cold-garage-germinationgrow-construction-complete-now-with-pics/

Don't let it get you down that I spent a bit more than I planned to, you can do it homemade or on a much smaller scale. I just don't know how to hold back and had an itchy spending habit.

But, just like Jack says, you can grow as long as you dont go below freezing, BUT you will see it in your stunted plants. A small space heater hooked to a hydrofarm temp gague, a mylar/emergency blanket or 2 and some pvc may give you a pretty good box. Cruise through the Grow Tech threads and your bound to find something!
Thanks again for the suggestions. Per the comments and suggestions here and throughout the forum I've put together a little grow area, for a fairly inexpensive price. Below are a few quick pics.





The sad part is that a day before I did this, I lost one of my Trinidad Scorpion seedlings. It had a couple of rust spots on it, and yesterday the two seedling leaves just fell off.

I have a couple of follow up questions too.

1. Looking at my first photos, does the soil look too big, bulky, etc.?
2. I checked the temp under the seedlings light and it's 80F. Is that good enough?

First of all welcome. You do exist and now have a post count! You also have a nice selection of seeds to grow--heat levels and flavors across the board. That jalapeno is epic! You've got the touch, roll with it.

+1 what Megahot and MGold said. Need light! You can get a $12 shop light (4 foot, T8 size) at Fred Meyers. Some good bulbs I found at Home Depot (6500K) $7 pair. Cost of running is 32-watts per bulb x 2. Total running cost is similar to most regular lamps you use in the house, probably won't notice it.

You have a 'grow window', rig up a shelf of some type next to it with your light to supplement. You will be on your way.

Next I would get a small fan to blow the seedling around a bit. (Hit 2nd hand store for cheap oscillating fan.) Fan wind will get the stems thickened for ya, less tendency to go leggy.

Good luck... :cool:

Thanks Siliman, appreciate the suggestions too. I haven't got a fan yet. But, I'm wondering about the wattage on a small fan. I'm sure i'd be a dead man if I drove up our electric bill much more. :)
Thanks Siliman, appreciate the suggestions too. I haven't got a fan yet. But, I'm wondering about the wattage on a small fan. I'm sure i'd be a dead man if I drove up our electric bill much more. :)

Wow! Outstanding setup, very versatile. I've been hankering for a shelf system like that. Very well done. It will be easy to double up light fixtures on one shelf if needed later on. I like how you've got the light right down on the seedling deck.

I'm somewhat electrically challenged, but my little 8-inch oscillating fan says 10-watts on the sticker. Not very powerful, but enough for seedlings. It has a clamp instead of a base, which I like. Overall, I think fan wattage used will be chump change compared to the lights and heat.

You might wanna post a pix of this set-up in the Grow Tech forum with a new title "Have Shelves: Need Fan Advice" or something like that. With such a nice system, you'll wanna get some additional responses. It'll get more exposure under a new title and those cats over there come up with great stuff. I think more people will want to see this, also.. :cool:
Wow! Outstanding setup, very versatile. I've been hankering for a shelf system like that. Very well done. It will be easy to double up light fixtures on one shelf if needed later on. I like how you've got the light right down on the seedling deck.

I'm somewhat electrically challenged, but my little 8-inch oscillating fan says 10-watts on the sticker. Not very powerful, but enough for seedlings. It has a clamp instead of a base, which I like. Overall, I think fan wattage used will be chump change compared to the lights and heat.

You might wanna post a pix of this set-up in the Grow Tech forum with a new title "Have Shelves: Need Fan Advice" or something like that. With such a nice system, you'll wanna get some additional responses. It'll get more exposure under a new title and those cats over there come up with great stuff. I think more people will want to see this, also.. :cool:

Thanks Siliman, appreciate it. I did start one over there a few days ago called "First Cheap Grow Setup". I do however have a couple of questions with what is currently going on. I'll post pics below and then ask the questions.

"5-Guys Jalapeno Plant"


Question: Not sure how well you can see the white bumpy areas or not. But, they just showed up yesterday. I can only describe them like this: It's like when you scuff a leather jacket or something. You get where the leather is ruffed up and bumpy. My first thought was that it was getting too much heat. But, I'm not experienced enough to know that. Under the top lights my temp sits around 80F-81F. Any thoughts?




Second Question: Am I using enough light? These seedlings haven't seemed to grow much...in the WHOLE three to four days I've had this light setup. :P I'm going to take my a stab at this and say that I'm being impatient. :)

My lights are T8's 1,200 lumens, 6500k, 32W. Two per unit.

Oh, and I should be posting this thread under three different sections. :) It's kind of a grow log, grow tech, and growing thread. :P I guess I should keep it here?
Not sure about the 5-guys 'Peno. Looks pretty dang healthy to me.

The seedlings are getting a little leggy. Solutions are get closer to the lights, reduce watering, and the aforementioned fan. You just don't wanna croak them by overdoing anything--each grow different.

My plants come within 1-2 inches of T8s. I bottom water about twice a week, top mist whenever. Fan 3 or 4 hours/day--many run fan whenever light is on.

Going over to check your Tech Forum posting now. Thanks for the heads up.
Not sure about the 5-guys 'Peno. Looks pretty dang healthy to me.

The seedlings are getting a little leggy. Solutions are get closer to the lights, reduce watering, and the aforementioned fan. You just don't wanna croak them by overdoing anything--each grow different.

My plants come within 1-2 inches of T8s. I bottom water about twice a week, top mist whenever. Fan 3 or 4 hours/day--many run fan whenever light is on.

Going over to check your Tech Forum posting now. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, the seedlings were already leggy before I put them under the light. And if you look at one of the #5's, you can see the leaves fell off. Two brown splotches showed up on the leaves one day, then a couple of days later they fell off. (I am soaking seeds in pyroxide/water mix first)

I was afraid of getting the light too close, thinking it might burn them. That's what I thought was going on with the 5-guys one. So, you are saying I should move the light closer?

I'll look into getting a fan. I guess it wouldn't be bad if I only ran it for a few hours a day. How many hours would you recommend?