Nope, just coated. I HATE gloppy wings myself.
DEFCON Creator said:Nope, just coated. I HATE gloppy wings myself.
JerseyBoyzJerky said:Is there other wing sauces out there? ummmm i thought Def Con was the only one!!!! And if there are others out here...just dump them down the drain cause you cant even think of coming close to what the master makes..
Best Dam Wing Sauce Period!!!!!
DEFCON Creator said:As for the ZERO. It's not the easiest thing to come by, seeing as we only sell it in collectors bottles. Perhaps one day it will be available for all-purpose use, but for now, with the time and energy it takes to make it, there's no way I could possibly keep up with the demand.
xgrafcorex said:this forum always makes me hungry! of course, i did have a small dinner..perhaps i should go to some forum about spiders instead to take my mind off delicious hot food.