7 Pod or 7 Pot??

Which is it? Or is it both?? Or are they different varieties???
I'm so confused!
Someone set this newb straight. Thanks!
Both. I've always called them 7 pots, like hot enough for 7 pots. I guess the same works for pods, like use 7 pods. It is a super hot though... Pod never made sense to me, but that is just my opinion
I am a crazy man!

armac said:
I always heard one pod heated 7 pots of food. Not 7 pods per pot
You are correct, I am just a mad scientist! 
Personal reasons for naming a pod do not pertain when trying to educate new members.....it was one pod for 7 pots, let's keep it accurate.
3 cans of black beans, 2.5 pounds of fresh ground venison and (7) 7 pot reds. :) - It is and was almost too hot to eat however the wife and I knocked back almost 1/2.
poypoyking said:
They are the same.  I keep the name based on however they were named when I got the seeds but in conversation I always refer to them as 7 Pots.
This is pretty much my approach, too, though after a year or so, I'll even use Pot in place of Pod for names.
Having said that, CARDI itself refers to them as Seven Pod here (pdf) and here (pdf), and as recently as January of this year here (pdf).  I thought I had seen CARDI reference to 7 Pot somewhere, but I'm not finding it now.  I suppose even if the story of one pod spicing up seven pots is true, that could lead to calling it the 7 Pot Pod, shortened to 7 Pod.  In light of this, I may have to reevaluate my preference.