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7 Pod varieties

I've been reading on the forum for a few days now and I have seen many great pepper varieties and I have many questions. My main question right now is how many varieties of 7 Pod are known at this moment.

I found the following ones but are there any more:

7 Pod Barrakpore
7 Pod Brown
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chocolate
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Douglah brown
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Orange
7 Pod Orange SR
7 Pod White
7 Pod Infinity
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Primo (2)
7 Pod Long
Trinidad 7 Pod
Trinidad 7 Pod Yellow

I would love to know if there are any more or if I made errors in my list. I have heard about 7 Pod green.

personally all i want in a pepper is good flavor and good heat. a variety of flavor and a variety of heat levels. names are just names to me. but to be technical, proper naming would be quite important as to know the origin.

perhaps we should make a database of some sort.
personally all i want in a pepper is good flavor and good heat. a variety of flavor and a variety of heat levels. names are just names to me. but to be technical, proper naming would be quite important as to know the origin.

perhaps we should make a database of some sort.

Well that is actualy what I'm planning to do, don't know how yet. It is gonna take a long time. Just thought I start where my biggest interesst is and work my way up from there.

Crosses are also interessting to me.
And 7 pod SR. Sounds like a really good idea. you might need a couple different tables, a pure strain table and a cross table. But it does seem like there is a new strain popping up every other week, so you may be very busy :)
Thats exactly right. I have a hybrid or mutt pepper if you can call it. Some kind of bonnet or hab variety but its got killer growth ability, big pods, lots of taste and aroma, strong but not stupid heat and its not a picky plant to grow. Everything I can ask for a plant. Oh and tons of pods too. Kind of looks like a Congo trinidad but I cant verify it is them because it was grown from grocery store pepper seeds. As hot or hotter than my chocolate habs.

personally all i want in a pepper is good flavor and good heat. a variety of flavor and a variety of heat levels. names are just names to me. but to be technical, proper naming would be quite important as to know the origin.

perhaps we should make a database of some sort.
I have 7 pod original, 7 pod SR strain and 7 pod Jonah, they where just on a other list, I forgot to add them.
So I'm trying to grow all the 7 Pod varieties I can find in 2011. Then I will photograph them along the season and document the growing progress. At first I will put all my findings in a blog. After I have enough material to make it interesting I will turn it in to a database of some kind. This however will take several years.

Of course my goal for 2011 is to find all the varieties there are so I can complete 7 pod in 2011 and go on to other peppers in 2012.


7 Pod
7 Pod Barrakpore
7 Pod Brown
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chocolate
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Douglah brown
7 Pod Green
7 Pod Infinity
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Long
7 Pod Orange
7 Pod Orange SR
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Red
7 Pod SR
7 Pod White
7 Pod white hybrid
7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Trinidad
7 Pod Trinidad Yellow

Please let me know if there are varieties missing.

These varieties I have trough trading, buying and some where gifts

7 Pod
7 Pod Barrackpore
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Brown
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Long
7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Trinidad
7 Pod White hybrid
7 Pod Yellow

These are the ones I'm still looking for

7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chocolate
7 Pod Douglah brown
7 Pod Green
7 Pod Infinity
7 Pod Orange
7 Pod Orange SR
7 Pod Red
7 Pod White
7 Pod Trinidad Yellow

If you have seeds available or if you will harvest this season please let me know. I can trade or buy.
There is also a 7 pot XL . Which looks like a bigger yellow 7 pot, apparently they are not as hot as a regular yellow 7 pot.