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7 pot Jonah x Pimenta da Neyde

I've started some seeds off & all the stems of the seedlings have got a purple tint to them, looking forward to the end results.
damn.  I lost the plant, amigo.  If it's still alive I'll find out tomorrow, I'm going to stick it in the aquaponics and see if that revives it any.  I still have one though and it's looking healthy!  Hopefully that's all I need!

The best of my bunch.
One of my 7JPNs has started producing pods (same plant I posted that had striped flowers):

The pods are a very dark purple, so they are looking good. The plant's foliage is less purple than the F1 but still looks good.
Here is a pic of one of the 7JPN X Moruga F1s that have green foliage:

It's not purple, but it has interesting shapes.
Capsaicin Pirate said:
That's actually another behind it (right) displaying much less purple.
The one in front has a wonderful purple color!
Terravexti said:
She's finally starting to pump out some flowers.
Looking really good!

justecila said:
Dulac..this cross is a beauty.  I read your 6pages posts and wonder what is the idea/benefit of backcrossing?
It depends on the goal. What I had in mind was backcrossing to try to get a darker purple, but the purple seems to be easy to pass on.
On my 7JPN plant A the pods are ripening with red and purple giving it a burned look.
Here is the first ripe pod on plant A:

Same pod:

Interior of the first pod (interesting that there are very few seeds):