7 pot Jonah x Pimenta da Neyde

Hey everyone. Here is an F1 of a 7 pot Jonah x pimenta da Neyde cross I made last year. I used a 7 pot Jonah as the female so I could tell right away that the cross worked from the purple foliage. After the end of this season I'd like to spread the hybrid seeds around like Patrick did. I love the results from the community growing the SB7J. I'll send people interested in growing new strains out of this cross seeds via sabse.
I have two F1 plants that grow the same. Here is what one of the F1s looks like:

Top of the plant taken much earlier:

I'll keep everyone posted. I think the will ripen to red (I'm assuming ripening to red is dominant).
newpeppergrower1105 said:
me to if possible i would love to part take in the stabalization of a new pepper. how hot are they?
I don't know yet. I'll let everyone know and give pictures of the guts. I'm still waiting for them to ripen. The 7 pot Jonah is nuclear and the pimenta is somewhat hot. IMO both the 7 pot Jonah and pimenta da Neyde taste good, so I think the flavor can't go wrong. I get a lot of complements on my 7 pot Jonah sauce, which is just 7 pot Jonahs and vinegar pretty much.
pepperhog said:
very cool what are you gonna call it pimenta de dulac ?
For now I'm just going to call it 7 pot Jonah x Pimenta da Neyde. I'm going to see what the offspring look like before naming anything. I'll probably keep 7 pot in the name to indicate it's nuclear (I think they will be superhot).
I would love to grow them as well. I was looking around for a purple chili to grow next year and a purple type of 7pod would be awsome!
Wow. That is one wicked looked cross with the bloated midsection, I'm planning on helping some others with growing some crosses and im hoping to mine as well and would love to help you grow it out. Let me know how things turn out and taste test :)
Dulac that has to be one the nicest looking plants and pods i've seen, looks good enough for landscaping.
Hopefully you can stabilize a line to keep it looking like that. Looking forward to future updates.
Edit: Count me in, but only if you have enough after everyone else. I would update, take pics, isolate both the plant(s) and flowers, no re-crosses.
pepperhog said:
very cool what are you gonna call it pimenta de dulac ?
7 pot Dulac de Neyde, lol
arijer said:
Oh yeah
This is killer
I would love to participate. Where do i sign up and send SASBE?
Beauty of a plant
I'm going to contact everyone in the thread at the end of the season. I need to see how many seeds I get to know how many i should give out. It will first come first serve if there are not enough seeds. I don't think there will be a problem though..

Dulac said:
I'm going to contact everyone in the thread at the end of the season. I need to see how many seeds I get to know how many i should give out. It will first come first serve if there are not enough seeds. I don't think there will be a problem though..
BrooklynXpat said:
Wow. That is one wicked looked cross with the bloated midsection, I'm planning on helping some others with growing some crosses and im hoping to mine as well and would love to help you grow it out. Let me know how things turn out and taste test :)
Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to have a large midsection. I wonder why that happened, lol I'm going to let everyone know when they are ripe. I'm not sure if they are going to turn red or not. They've been there for awhile. However, I picked the pimenta da neyde peppers last year, thinking they were ripe, and got no viable seeds, so I was unable to grow the pimenta da Neyde this year.

Jetchuka said:
Dulac that has to be one the nicest looking plants and pods i've seen, looks good enough for landscaping.
Hopefully you can stabilize a line to keep it looking like that. Looking forward to future updates.
Thanks! I'm going for beautiful, tasty, and hot with this cross. I cannot see how the taste or heat could go wrong with the two parents :) .