food 7-Pot stew?

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Please do not do what I did, put 7 7 POD in the pepperpot / 7 pot stew. 
Dyslexia. :)
Mr.W's post inspired me to try making a Pepperpot stew-
no scotch bonnets, a fatalii had to suffice
recipe based sort of on the link Boss posted

cider vinegar, brown sugar, spices getting happy, but I didn't get it down to a thick syrup consistency. 

onion and Mini-Sweet Peppers (compromise~)

with the Floatie-


finally getting happy after 4 hours-


MMMmmmmm!  We all went back for seconds!

This one was in the "HIT" column for HITS and MISSES.  :lol:  We ate leftovers for breakfast.
Thank you, both! 
Thanks to MrW and this thread for the inspiration, this one is in the recipe files.    
Muckyai said:
Salsalady, was it very sweet? A cup of sugar sounds like a lot. Looks great though!
It was sweet, but I ended up adding about 50% more of everything except sugar as I had 4 pounds of meat to cook.  That cut it a bit.  The cinnamon and allspices added to the sweet profile.  Really Good! and pretty easy~   
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Did you guys marinate everything overnight? The P. Dreadie recipe is balls deep!
I didn't see anything in the recipe about an overnight marinade. It really doesn't need it because the meat is cut into pieces and it simmers for a good while to infuse flavors and get everything tender.
Muckyai said:
I didn't see anything in the recipe about an overnight marinade. It really doesn't need it because the meat is cut into pieces and it simmers for a good while to infuse flavors and get everything tender.
In the link I posted or what you followed.....????
The master clearly said what he did and I followed, it was much better with flavor.
"Another thing I did differently was I “seasoned” the pork like I do my chicken. I added the pork to most of the vegetables and let them sit over night. I didn’t use the pigeon peas, tomatoes, okra ( I used frozen) or tomatoes. I prefer to add those at later stages of the cooking process. Then I scrape off the veggie seasoning mix and start browning the pork."
JoynersHotPeppers said:
In the link I posted or what you followed.....????
The master clearly said what he did and I followed, it was much better with flavor.
"Another thing I did differently was I seasoned the pork like I do my chicken. I added the pork to most of the vegetables and let them sit over night. I didnt use the pigeon peas, tomatoes, okra ( I used frozen) or tomatoes. I prefer to add those at later stages of the cooking process. Then I scrape off the veggie seasoning mix and start browning the pork."
I'm sorry, I followed the recipe linked by Pooks.
Wow, those look amazing salsalady and Muckyai!  Thanks for posting the good pictures and for making my mouth water. 