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hey guys here is the 7pod in all colors you can get from green to red to yellow and finally brown all three strains came straight from trinidad so that tills you how hot they can be




Hmmmmm.. a green 7 Pot. :) Interesting. It's possible. I'm growing a variety that stays green to maturity developed by someone.

I have seen the green habanero and now talk of possibly a green 7. So now I have to ask, If it starts green and stays green to maturity, how do you know when they are ripe and ready to pick?
I have seen the green habanero and now talk of possibly a green 7. So now I have to ask, If it starts green and stays green to maturity, how do you know when they are ripe and ready to pick?

been wondering that myself
All the yellow ones I have grown are more "bumpy" and closer to the 7 Pot "Jonah" shape, (which by the way came from Trinidad, Jonah is a native of Trinidad who currently lives in
Some pretty peppers there. I honestly don't know what to think of the 7 Pod though. It seems that every damn one looks different, as if they're totally different varieties of peppers. The only similarity I can tell from this "variety" is that they're bumpy. Even the Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich and Trinidad Scorpion all seem to have somewhat distinctive looks... how the hell do you tell what's a 7 Pod?! Is it just because it's bumpy but doesn't look like a Naga or Scorpion? The ones shown on thechileman.com's database are long. Even Neil's done several reviews of various "strains" of it and they all look quite different (from Naga-like to short bumpy bonnet looking) to the point where I can't see any "distinguishing" features as to what makes a 7 Pod... well, a 7 Pod. Am I the only one lost in confusion here? I don't have any 7 Pod plants this year, but chances are if I did it might turn out looking like a little bumpy pink pear or something! :eek:

All of the ones pictured in this thread do look quite uniform though, which is a surprise. Certainly the first time I've seen at least two of them look similar... but I bet the next pic I see of one will be totally different.
Some pretty peppers there. I honestly don't know what to think of the 7 Pod though. It seems that every damn one looks different, as if they're totally different varieties of peppers. The only similarity I can tell from this "variety" is that they're bumpy. Even the Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich and Trinidad Scorpion all seem to have somewhat distinctive looks... how the hell do you tell what's a 7 Pod?! Is it just because it's bumpy but doesn't look like a Naga or Scorpion? The ones shown on thechileman.com's database are long. Even Neil's done several reviews of various "strains" of it and they all look quite different (from Naga-like to short bumpy bonnet looking) to the point where I can't see any "distinguishing" features as to what makes a 7 Pod... well, a 7 Pod. Am I the only one lost in confusion here? I don't have any 7 Pod plants this year, but chances are if I did it might turn out looking like a little bumpy pink pear or something! :eek:

All of the ones pictured in this thread do look quite uniform though, which is a surprise. Certainly the first time I've seen at least two of them look similar... but I bet the next pic I see of one will be totally different.

good question what makes 7pod a 7pod first of all befor you know if you are growing the 7 pod or not you need to know how does it look like taste like smell like as pod and hoe the plant look like after many years of growing i found out that almost any pepper comes from trinidad has unique characteristics for exsample penduncle or the stem of the pod is VERY tough and strongly attached to the branches, this characteristic i found my self after growing for many years, now the pods they should have pumby skin most time, for the 7 pod it has firm skin if you cut it you should be able to see the capiscum oil -wax on the inside walls, befor all that you need trusted source of seeds like when i got my seeds i have them straight from trinidad chilehead...

i hope i helped you so after waching what others are growing and what you have you should be understand ... now there are many seed companies well sell the wrong variety for you so make sure the seller is trusted source of seeds